Getting out of debt takes sacrifices, but there are things that I still won’t give up!
Looking in my pantry earlier today, I couldn’t help but wonder about the pantries of others who are digging themselves out of debt. Lately, my pantry looks beyond sparse. I’m sure anyone else taking a look would have to wonder what I even eat! There is some store brand canned goods and other basic cooking supplies (can we say beans and rice!) but then almost sticking out like sore thumbs, there are a handful of name brand items. Yes, there are some things we simply won’t give up, no matter what the cost. As we travel this road, there is are also 2 (yep, just two!) other things that are also non-negotiable. So then, just what are these things?
What I will not give up:
- Heinz ketchup. I’ve tried cheaper brands, honest I have! Guess I’m just a condiment snob and like my Heinz!
- Nestle Coffee-mate creamer. After ruining a perfectly good cup of coffee with an off brand, I vowed NEVER to do that to my coffee (or me!) again. I’m okay with switching brands of coffee, but my Coffee-mate is off limits!
- Kelloggs Fruit Loops. This one is for my hubby. He stays in a lot of hotels, and after eating a hearty, healthy breakfast (included with his stay), he enjoys the treat of a bowl of Kelloggs Fruit Loops. I often think his day is off to a bad start when a hotel is out of this cereal…Yes, I hear about it! LOL When he is at home, he still enjoys a bowl Fruit Loops, so I make sure to have them in the pantry. Since I can’t eat them (gluten intolerant) I promptly tightly seal whatever he doesn’t finish consuming in hopes of saving them for the next time he comes home. Thankfully he has yet to complain about the lack of freshness!
- Our financial support of our church. We firmly believe that part of being good stewards of God’s money, giving back is what we are called to do. To us it is all God’s money anyway, so we give it without hesitation.
- Our home. We are living in our dream location, and we will have it paid off before my hubby retires. Sure we could take the equity we have in it and move to a cheaper home, but we also made a lot of sacrifices just to get here! We will continue to make sacrifices to get out of debt and stay right where we are. It is where we are at peace.
Try as I might that is the extent of what I could come up with when it comes to things we won’t give up! My pantry is sparse, but I have yet to go hungry. You will find limited unnecessary food, which isn’t a bad thing! If I do want a treat, I make it from scratch or simply just go without one. Occasionally I will splurge (of course budget permitting!) and have some extra things on hand for when my hubby is home. Thankfully, other than his Kelloggs Fruit Loops, he isn’t too picky. While he prefers Lays potato chips, he is equally content with saving money and having a store brand. That is just one of many sacrifices he is willing to make! Except for the above five items, there isn’t anything we won’t give up to get out of debt.
How about you? What are some things you haven’t given up?
Ha! I absolutely agree with Heinz ketchup!!! I tried various other brands, they are NOT the same! I’m not sure what I’d put on my list. I think experiences and traveling. I’m willing to pay for those even when we’re in debt, because I believe family time and relaxation are important. I want my kids to have fond memories of vacations and day trips to museums or the aquarium (which isn’t cheap!) Things like that. I cash flow them all, I don’t go further into debt. I’m sure DR would tell us to through all that money towards debt, but life is short, and I want to enjoy life when the kids are still little. This is a huge change of heart from 2011, and a result of losing several people close to us.
I do agree, especially when it comes to making memories with your kids. I think the key is finding a healthy balance and also always paying cash when making these memories!
I hardly ever use ketchup (except in meatloaf) so I guess I don’t care what brand I get. LOL. I agree with you 100% on the Nestle’s coffee mate creamer. I’ve tried lots of other brands (with coupons and such) and tried homemade (yuck!) and since I only get one cup a day I’m going to make it good
DH can’t go without Mountain Dew and Jif peanut butter (only Jif). I will usually try the store brand of most things, some I end up liking ok and some not. We are going to splurge a bit when we build our dream home. Some things we will go with lesser quality, some things not. I’m ok with laminate countertops that look like granite. Some friends had some put in their new house and it took me 3 visits to their house to realize it wasn’t granite. I’m also ok with engineered hardwood or laminate flooring instead of hardwood (plus I don’t want to deal with all the scratches hardwood would get from the dogs). We’re going to splurge on a walk in tiled master shower. The house will be our peace and serenity too, and will be paid off by the time I retire.
OneFamily recently posted…Grocery shopping and meal planning
I wouldn’t have a clue how to even attempt making coffee mate creamer! Laminate sure looks a lot different than it did in the past! There is a lot of nice looking stuff out there! I’ll be eager to follow your journey when you start to build. We had always intended on building a home (had the property for 30 years or so) but then ended up selling it and buying the home in which we are now living.
Heinz ketchup is a must in this house too! Also, I like to have croissants available since my youngest daughter enjoys them for breakfast before school…I was once criticized on my own blog for buying “expensive” food items like croissants but, at usually $3 for six, I think it’s worth it to keep my pickiest daughter satisfied! Also, Diet Raspberry Snapple for my oldest daughter – she doesn’t like any other flavor or brand. =)
TrayceeBee recently posted…Weigh In Wednesday
I don’t think $3 for six croissants is bad at all, and even if I did, I certainly wouldn’t criticize someone for spending their money they way they choose to do so! Good grief!
I won’t give up my contribution of my 401K – and here is why. I’ve taken out loans against it, cashed it out and had to stop contributing while I was going thru my divorce. I don’t have much else in retirement. And I refuse to give up free money as my employers matches up to 3% of my income. I won’t give up my gym membership. It is only $10.00 a month and it is very close to where my carpool pal lives so I go when I have to drive and on Saturdays to stay healthy. I won’t give up my visits to see my daughter and grandchild. What I will give up is eating out. What i will give up expensive personal care and manicures and pedicures. What I will give up is buying books.
Rhitter recently posted…On This 2017 Week 13 Positive Thought
We still contribute to our 401K as well. Ours is also matched by my hubbies employer and with retirement in the not too far off future; we didn’t feel comfortable with stopping this saving.
Yup on the Heinz, but I can do without. I am not a huge sauce/condiment fan. Plain is fine by me.
Diet Coke is a must all the time
Young Living Mineral Essence
Airline flight for DH to come home monthly (new job is allowing 2x a month home but not sure we can make that work)
The Furbabies health and well being
Chiro and Massages for DH (after 23 surgeries, he needs them and I will do whatever I have to make sure he gets them)
Hmm, never thought about simply going without my Heinz. If it meant switching brands, I would go that route! I used to be a huge diet coke drinker, especially when I worked 3rd shift. That would be awesome if you could swing it for your DH to get home twice a month. I know if we had the opportunity for my DH to come home more often, we would do it in a heartbeat. Also completely understand about your fur babies. 23 surgeries! OUCH. Those visits are certainly a must!
We have not given up cable! We are probably one of the last few standing. My husband loves to watch sports and is not willing to give it up as we have not found a better alternative. We have, however, eliminated one of our cable boxes. At $10/month it’s worth it to me to give up the Hallmark channel and HGTV while sports are on!
jayleen recently posted…Doctor Appointments Free Printable – Log Your Doctor Visits
Hallmark and HGTV are the shows I really miss! If my hubby were home more, I’m not so sure we would go without some type of service. For now, he gets his “TV fix” staying at hotels! I get where your hubby is coming from!
Good humor strawberry shortcake bars (generic doesn’t cut it), dunkin donuts coffee creamer, good laundry detergent and dryer sheets. I am sure I will think of a few more after I post this.
I’m pretty sure we all have things we simply won’t give up! I agree, good laundry detergent and dryer sheets are a must!
I love this list, especially the Fruit Loops. Although I don’t usually buy cereal, and when I do it is typically “healthy-ish”, every now and then I get a craving for Lucky Charms. I can relate to your hubby.
My weakness is still lattes. Instead of rushing in and out of Starbucks or a better coffee shop on the way to the office, I have become my own barista. I wake up early, make a latte (thanks to a machine gifted to me several years ago as a Christmas present) and catch up on emails, writing and social media. I love my new routine and now wouldn’t give that up for anything.
The other thing I won’t give up is my car. I live close to work and walk there every day. I have lived without a car before and know that the flexibility to be able to go anywhere on weekends is very important to me. I’ve looked at carshares, my city is very well stocked with them, but they aren’t a good fit for my needs and the distances I need to go to see family. Transit isn’t that great outside of the actual city so getting to family is very difficult. Although it would cost less to rent a car on those days that it is to pay my monthly insurance, I won’t give up the freedom to come and go as I please.
Think of the money you are saving by making your own lattes! That machine was indeed a great gift!
I can’t imagine ever being without a car, even if we lived in a city. Even though I have a lot of days where I don’t leave the house, I like knowing that I can if I choose to do so! Having a car does give you a sense of freedom!