Goodness, I’m way overdue for giving an update. Thanks, One Family, for checking in on me! Also, I want to give a shout out to commenter Sue for reaching out to me via email. Sue paid off another debt, so that is fantastic news!
So what have I been up to since my last post? Well, Hubs has been home since last Friday~do I even need to say anything more?! Whenever he is home, my “me-time” is next to non-existent. His time at home always seems to go way too fast, so we try to maximize the time we do have together. On Sunday we went to the builders show. We went with a couple that lives a few doors down from us. With the tickets being only $4/person, it was an inexpensive outing. The only thing we bought at the show was a tub of popcorn and a Pepsi, which put us out another $6. The show was fun, and we took a lot of business cards and other info. We figured this might come in handy for when we find out more about our collapsed deck.
Hubs spent numerous hours shoveling snow off several roof areas of our house. He wasn’t able to do the upstairs on account of the height (cathedral) but did get all the others done. Roofs have been collapsing all over our area, and we didn’t want ours to be one of them! Bad enough we have an insurance claim for our deck. Our concern was the fact that we were expecting two days of rain which would only make the snow even heavier. Dangerous job but doing it himself saved us hundreds of dollars opposed to hiring it out.
Another thing we did was dig a path to get out to our propane tanks so we could check the levels. It took us several hours as the snow was at least 5 foot deep, and we had a long ways to go to reach them! We have two 1,000 gallon tanks. The gauges read 30%, putting us at about 600 gallons remaining. This will be enough to last us until the rates go down in the Summer.
Hubs once again fixed the snowblower. It wasn’t anything serious, just some snow/ice packed that caused the issue. He also “fixed” our pancake air compressor. All it needed was some warm inside air. Guess it didn’t like the sub-zero weather. Lol
On Wednesday Hubs dropped me off at work so he could take care of things he needed to do. He still hasn’t received his driver’s license, so he checked on that. He also went for a physical, mostly because he needed his blood pressure meds renewed. I guess his doctor mentioned that most people in his profession tend to be overweight, which is not the case with Hubs. What I’d give for the same metabolism! The physical should be covered 100% by our insurance as should the colonoscopy his doctor ordered. Isn’t he lucky. Lol
I worked more hours last week too. I’ll likely be working more until the kiddos grandmother can start lifting him again. Based on what I’m hearing from the family, I may be taking care of the kiddo until he is no longer tube fed. He is eating some baby food (with a lot of effort from us!), but most of his nutrition is still via his G/J tube.
We got the bill for our snow removal. It was only $100, which considering the guy had to come with both his plow truck and later with his loader, wasn’t too bad. We wrote the check for $200 as he has helped us get our car unstuck more than once. Also, based on our low Winter road dues of $250/season, I know he doesn’t charge that much for all the snow removal he does. Our road is 6 miles long and only the people who are crazy enough to live here in the Winter contribute. He is a good neighbor to have, and I want him to know we appreciate all he does.
Our debt reduction hasn’t seen a lot of movement. Today I did go ahead and make our April mortgage payment and also paid $75 towards our Citi card. I’m waiting on seeing how we make out with our taxes before I make additional payments. Our CPA received our taxes this past Monday, so based on previous years, we may get them back late next week. I feel a bit in limbo with waiting, but better safe than sorry.
Not much else happening. Hubs is home through the weekend. I’ll be dropping him off at the airport on Monday. Sigh.
Yay for Sue paying off a debt! Woohoo!
Wow, oh wow, that’s a LOT of snow!
Aww, how nice that you have your sweetie home with you. Enjoy your time together!
Always exciting to hear about others dumping debt! It has been a record-breaking winter for us. I’ll be glad to see it end!
Ok, I’m just going to say it – YAY ME, lol!!!! I’m so glad hubby is home and can help you with all the snow “issues” – what a pain in the neck!!! I know you will probably never speak to me again but I was complaining today that it was too HOT…we are in the 70’s already – NOT looking good for our summer which will be HORRIBLE. Do you get fairly mild summers? We get the opposite of you – mild winters and BOILING HOT summers.
I couldn’t be happier for you, Sue! Crossing paid off debts off is such a GREAT feeling! 70s is hot? That is a picture perfect summer day for us! lol We get a few days in the high 80s/low90s, but most of our summer is fairly mild.
Yay Sue! Just wanted to throw my congrats in. I think you are the same Sue that went with me vicariously to France and the Louvre-if so, drop in sometime again. If not, drop in and visit me on my blog. I like to celebrate with others success and clearing off a debt is sure success.
sam recently posted…College Decision Made
I love that we can all cheer each other on!
It is me – I am having problems commenting on certain blogs ever since I got my new computer – no clue why????? I read yours every day, just can’t comment for some reason 🙁 I’m SO happy your daughter decided on the college right for her – better than making a huge mistake!!!
I love it when bloggers/readers can reconnect!
The snow this year has been intense! We’re grateful for it – it means that fire season won’t be quite as bad – but I have to admit, I’m ready for spring.
The $76K Project recently posted…My Job vs. My Mental Health: At A Crossroads
I can’t imagine living around those fires! In this situation, snow can be a good thing!
We are getting $1500 back from taxes so right into the college fund it goes. Youngest daughter accepted her 1st choice college. She received a very nice scholarship from them, She will be living on campus which adds to the cost. We have been dumping all extra money into the college fund. We just declined all loans for her first semester. We are trying to be able to do that for all 4 years. She is working part time and most of her check goes to college savings. She does pay for her own phone and gas so she does use some of the money now. We are still working on scholarships. We will find out in May/June if she received any money from them. . Slow and steady wins the race.
I’m glad you got some time with your husband.Glad he was able to fix a few items for you. It is very helpful to have a handy hubby.
Good for you (and your daughter!) for not going the route of college loans! Also goes to show that hard work pays off. Your daughter will be in a much better financial position than a lot of her peers when she finishes her education. What a blessing for her!
We are in the same place, Marybeth. Even after her scholarships form the college we will have a hefty tuition bill, though cheaper than the large University she had originally planned on going. Cash flow is going to be tight as we try and avoid loans. She too is putting her summer jobs savings, gifts, and new (hopefully summer job) funds into her college savings account.
Sam, the sacrifices you are making will be such a huge blessing for your daughter!
This past week has gone fast for me too! But then again, I am on vacation(sort of)and it was 80F yesterday and today it’s 66F. I’ll take it! lolz
Glad you got some of that snow offa stuff and good thinking taking business cards at that show…..
I’m happy you were able to get away from all the cold in PA. Our temps are warming up, so there is hope that Spring is on the way. Enjoy the rest of your vacation!