With Hubs home, I don’t know where my week went! It seemed like we always had something to do. I meant to try and get a few minutes to write, but as you can see, that didn’t happen. Between working some extra hours and doing stuff with the Hubs, I never felt like I had a minute to myself. Here is what we were busy doing:
- Hubs saw his primary doctor for a follow-up. No issues other than Hubs still needs to get a routine colonoscopy scheduled. He also went to the dentist for a cleaning and now needs to follow-up to fix a small cavity. Given his work schedule, it is often hard to make it to one appointment, let alone two in one week, so he did good!
- Twice last week we had dinner with our neighbor from down the road. Hubs also got in some fishing time with this neighbor.
- I worked my regular days plus put in a couple of extra hours.
- We built a firepit using materials we had on hand. Remember me writing about getting a riser put on our septic tank? Well, the homemade riser that was in place was nothing but a cut-off oil barrel with a lid. We used that for the fire pit, surrounded it with rocks and stone from the lakefront. For a freebie job, I think it turned out pretty good. I’ll add a picture to the post.
- We took out our dock. Our weather is rapidly changing, and with Hubs being away so much, we figured we’d best get it done.
- We took multiple long walks, both on regular trails and also at the nearby campground. Our Fall activities come a month early, and the campground is busy with Fall Fest. I enjoy walking through and seeing all the decorations put on display.
- We discussed our budget multiple times. It is always good to be on the same page.
- We went and looked for a new mattress and bed frame. Our mattress is killing our backs, and we plan on getting a new one once the Visa is paid off. We also want to go from a Queen size to a King, hence looking for a new frame. At least now, I have a better idea of how much we will need to save.
- We had a second load of firewood delivered. I’m kind of weird in that even though I grumble about stacking it; I actually enjoy doing so. I guess it gives me a sense of accomplishment, plus I like the exercise. I’m hoping for a third load of wood, but I’m doubtful we will get it as our wood guy is backed up with orders. No big deal, I was doing it solely to get ahead with our supply. We have more than enough for the upcoming season.
I’m sure there were other things that I’m forgetting. With Hubs home so little, we pack in as much stuff as we can. Here are a few pictures. Pardon the rubber mat looking things. We are fairly sure the first owner of our house worked at the mines as we have found a lot of mine-related items on our property ~ like the repurposed cut-off oil barrel!

Halloween activities at the park.

One of the campsites. So much work to put all this up for just a couple of days!

Our free firepit.

The dock will also be securely roped down. I don’t need a repeat of last Spring when it started floating away!

Still need to tidy up the area, but at least the bulk of the work is done.
You got a lot done.
Thanks. I feel it was a productive week.
Your fire pit looks great! We love our king sized bed. We tried to sleep on our queen when we were living in the shop. Lasted about a week and then we realized the frame would adjust out from queen to king, LOL! We switched mattresses, pronto.
Thanks! We were happy with the way it turned out. We’ve never had a bedroom large enough to accommodate a king bed, so now that we do, I’m eager to make the change. Anytime we’ve slept on a king, the extra space is heavenly! From everything you described, I know you were in tight quarters while living in the shop. At least after making the bed switch, you still had some of your usual comforts! I’d have done the same thing!
I am glad your week was not all work (I know Chris hated when I would fill his week home with chores/appts) and you made time to play
We do try and balance it out. Not always easy, especially when there is usually so much to do! Things, like building the firepit and taking out the dock, were kind of fun though! I doubt, however, that Hubs would put his dentist appt in the same category! Lol
I love the fire it — it looks great!!! I can’t even fathom all of that wood….especially since we are still in the 90’s….heaving a heavy sigh. At least I am not out in I much since I am supposed to stay off of my knee but my SMUD bill is going to be ASTRONOMICAL since I am home all day and I think, because of the pain and/or meds, get hot very easily and honestly DON’T CARE what the a/c is set at as long as I’m cool. We’ve been getting take out and quick meals at lot too…..I am SO over this knee…….hoping to get to the point where I am glad I did it…..not even close yet.
Thanks. We will go through a lot of the wood as our winters last a long time! Yesterday we saw a high of 51 degrees. I can’t imagine temps in the 90s. Thank goodness for a/c. I’d deal with the higher bill to have some comfort! Hope your knee starts feeling better quickly.
You certainly got a lot accomplished in one week! The fire pit looks great! That looks like a lot of firewood, but, I guess it’s always better to have more than not enough! Hope you are able to get the additional load of wood, too. Hope you are having a good week.
Bless recently posted…Today
Thanks, Bless. It always feels good to get things accomplished. It would be great if we could get another load of wood as the longer it seasons, the better (and safer) it burns. Next year money shouldn’t be near as tight so I’ll be able to order it much sooner and hopefully beat the demand!