Inspired by blogger One Family One Income.
Compared to a lot of people, I’m not a huge online shopper, or at least not when it comes to grocery items. When I’ve thought ahead, I have purchased dog food from Walmart as I love that it comes right to my door and I also save a little via going through Swagbucks. For my dogs, their food is very much a grocery item! Walmart also happens to be the cheapest store to purchase their food.
Much like One Family One Income, I too, live a fair distance (30+ miles) from the nearest Walmart. Given the miles, running to town for just a few items is something I avoid. Factoring our current price of gas, a trip back and forth to the city can easily cost me over $7.
This past Sunday, I could see that I would need to purchase dog food by the time the weekend rolled around. Knowing I had a little time on my side, I ordered via Swagbucks (I’ll receive 2% back) but then saved an additional quarter for waiting a few other days for my shipment. I could have had the order by Tuesday but waiting until today; it saved me that little bit extra. As it was, the order came yesterday.
Inspired by One Family One Income who has written about buying groceries online from Walmart (also via Swagbucks), I decided to check out what I might save by doing the same thing. She has mentioned that the prices on Walmarts site have lately become quite inflated. She is right. It isn’t by just a few pennies, but by insane amounts. Hopefully, this is just a glitch in their system as there is no way I’d pay 4+ times the price of what I spend in the store. Even the overpriced IGA store 20 miles from me doesn’t even come close to what Walmart wants for the identical item.
I did manage to find nine items that I intended to purchase that were the same price as what I’d pay instore. These are things I regularly buy, so I was sure of the costs. Walmart’s threshold for free shipping is $35. My total came in at $35.70, and that was with just purchasing what I intended to buy. I was again given the option to save by waiting for my order. This time it was $3 which was worth it to me as I can easily go a week or so before I actually need the items. I shopped via Swagbucks to save the additional 2%.
Hopefully, Walmart will fix their system’s exorbitant prices on many of the items I would have purchased as I can see how buying groceries online can actually save some money. In the meantime, I plan on making a price book of things I regularly buy. I’m usually fairly good about knowing approximately what xyz brand of beans, etc. cost me, but I’d rather know for sure before I do add the item to my online cart.
Do you ever order groceries online? If so, what has been your experience?
Nope, I’ve never ordered groceries online, but we don’t live in the same sort of area that you do. We have a chain grocery store nearby, and I don’t mind paying the local tax for shopping there, and they have a pretty good coupon program if you’re willing to dig online at their store’s website. (Saved 28 dollars off a 130 dollar trip this week, twenty-eight dollars on stuff we would buy anyway!) Besides, this sounds a little nutty, but Dear Husband and I enjoy grocery shopping together. We spot the unadvertised specials and high-five each other. We exchange big grins when local produce arrives. It’s fun.
Surely the newly inflated Walmart online prices are a glitch like you said. The alternative, that these are suddenly the new prices, is scary!
And I’d definitely wait if if meant catching a little snowflake!:-)
I wish my hubby liked to shop. Years ago when we lived near a lot more stores, I did a lot of drugstore deals. Whenever I’d come home with a haul, I’d play a game with my hubby asking him to guess what I paid for everything I bought. Most times he was clueless and also amazed at the deals. Lol
Woohoo on saving $28. Well worth the effort!
Thanks for the mention! I had never ordered groceries online before we moved to a rural area. But it has become very convenient to do so (especially because of small town high prices) and when I saw some of these crazy prices showing up this week, I about spit out my coffee! I’d be better off to shop at the high priced grocery store here in my little town. I did place a Walmart order yesterday, but I was very careful to look at the prices and ended up ordering two of my regular items from Amazon, instead. I, too, always go through Swagbucks and sometimes they even offer 3% for Walmart.
OneFamily recently posted…This that and the other
You’re welcome. I’m thinking that this might be beneficial, providing they do something about many of their prices.
I have never ordered groceries online. Since I live about 4 miles from WM, it does not make sense to order. I want to pick out my own fruit and see the unexpected markdowns and specials. plus, I use coupons. I can travel about 8 miles and hit maybe 9 grocery stores plus another 5 drugstores, Lowes, two more hardware stores, and three shopping centers. Now, I never stop everywhere on a trip, but this is to show you how many places I go are right on my way to anywhere. A theater, a lake, and two Farmer’s markets are in this area where I drive.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…Bargains–Food and Otherwise
I still have to buy all my produce, milk, meats, breads etc at the store. I just buy the “pantry” items and dog treats and vitamins online. It does help save time when we go to shop for our every other week trip in the city, as I don’t have to also get all those items. And I earn 2% on my online orders by going through Swagbucks.
OneFamily recently posted…This that and the other
Perishables still need to be purchased at the store, but like One Family said, it is more the pantry items, health and beauty items, etc., where this will help.
We live pretty far out now too, but given our living situation while the house is being built, we have not had a chance to see what it is like living out. However, we have always been pretty good about planning our meals and not having to go to the store, but maybe once a week. We have never bought groceries on-line though and I am not sure we will start anytime soon. No pets to have to purchase for either.
Luckily, my husband passes by all the store we use and all the grocery stores we use getting to and from work, so if there is a pinch for something, he can get it on the way home. We also have 2 freezers and a storage room to really up. I hope, when we get our garden going, it will help offset some of the grocery costs. We will see.
Our last house was about 10 miles from town, so this greater distance did take some getting used to. Planning is key, so no doubt, you’ll be just fine. Even though living out in the middle of nowhere isn’t always super convenient, I still wouldn’t want to live anywhere else!
I use grocery delivery a couple of times a month, keeping me out of stores is a good thing. I have used both of our grocery stores and Amazon Fresh with positive experiences every time. I have learned that I cannot be trusted in a grocery store unless I am going on my way to work or on lunch break when I have limited time. So for big orders, or lots of heavy items (soda, litter, dog food, FIrewood, etc) I order online and wait for my delivery on a Sunday afternoon in my jammies