This morning I’ve been playing around with a lot of “what ifs.” For those of you also digging your way out of debt, I’m sure you know the game. It starts with “what if our paycheck is X” and moves on to “what if we pay X amount to this or that bill” and goes on from there. I’ve always been a bit of a numbers gal, so I tend to play with the different scenarios a lot.
Looking at our overall numbers, we are crazy close to reaching $5,000 in our debt pay off since the beginning of the year. Based on a few different scenarios we could potentially see that number by the end of February. Of course, this comes with a whole lot of those what ifs!
~What if I dare let our checking account drop below $500 for a couple of days?
~What if our anticipated escrow refund were to get here before the end of the month? The amount then that we could pay off could be even higher.
~What if I were to deposit my last check of the month into our household account? Then the lower amount wouldn’t concern me quite so much. I’ve been cashing my checks to use for our cash envelopes. Given that I am already very close to having them funded for March, this could work, too.
~What if I can get a few extra hours of taking care of the preemie? This would also help. I’ve already been asked to cover an additional four hours on Saturday, so this is also a possibility. The family has been excellent about paying me each week.
One could easily say that none of this truly matters as what doesn’t get paid off this month will simply be applied to the next month. However, when it comes to getting out of debt, I want it gone sooner rather than later! I also like giving myself a challenge as the end of a month draws near. How much more can we pay off? It all depends on what if!
I get it! I do the same thing toward the end of a month and try to figure out where else i could squeeze some money and put it toward debt. I’ve been called a little nutty for thinking like that . . . well, nutty people rejoice because we are paying off debt that much faster!:-)
Love it! Nutty people unite!
another nut here! – I’m always doing calculations for different scenarios and thinking about what if I did this or that
Haha! Glad I’m not the only one!
I’m a big what iffer. Sometimes I drive myself nuts LOL.
OneFamily recently posted…Mid week this and that
Kind of fun though isn’t it?! Lol
Oh honey – I am the Queen of What If!! LOL!!! I keep looking at the numbers and run all sorts of numbers.
Rhitter recently posted…On One More Week of February
I think playing the “what if” game is a good thing as it helps keep us motivated!
I am the same way!! I always dream of what if I could save more money or pay $x amount of extra on the mortgage. It can be maddening at times!
You are right about it being maddening! I can’t help but wonder if I’ll always play the “what if” game. At least at some point, though, it will change from paying off debt to reaching savings goals!