Here it is. $6,300 later, we now have a brand new furnace. The installation was done on Monday and took the entire day. Given the age of our old unit, there were several other things (piping, valves, venting, etc.) that also had to be replaced. We ended up needing the installer to come back today as our smoke detectors kept going off last night and the furnace sounded overly loud. The excessive noise turned out to be a faulty exhaust fan, which was also part of the reason a nearby smoke detector was triggered. Four hours later, everything looks to be running as it should. Spending this amount of money is the last thing I wanted to do, but where we live, a working furnace is a must.
Our weather right now is frigid. Our windchills have been -30 to -40 below. I know we aren’t the only ones experiencing this type of weather, so I’ll try not to complain too much. Makes me look forward to Spring. Only another calendar 49 days, which for us, means we “should” see it arrive in about three months.

Work was canceled for me today on account of our extreme weather. I was a bit relieved when I saw the text come through. I was not looking forward to going out today!
Hubs fixed the snowblower. Turned out to be a belt, so nothing major ~ $20 plus tax for a replacement. Purchasing a snowblower to clear our own driveway sure has saved us a lot of money.
Hubs also did some rearranging in our garage so we can once again park our Winter car inside. Last year, although tight, we had both cars in the garage. The difference this Winter is that last Summer we built a ramp for our aging dogs who were having trouble navigating the steps. The new ramp caused the rest of our stuff just not to fit the way it had the year before. We aren’t “junkers,” but our other house had a lot more storage for things like tools, mowers, etc. Once we are debt free, plus have the cash, we will be building Hubs a shop. For the time being though, I’m again thankful to park one vehicle in the garage.

Doggy Ramp
It’s a spiffy-looking furnace. I’m glad you got the snowblower fixed and that it was an inexpensive fix. A snowblower is almost as important as the furnace where you live! Stay warm!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…Creating an Author Platform
Isn’t it though? Just wish it didn’t come with a payment. Sigh.
Glad you have a reliable heat source.
Thank you!
I feel your pain. After a super cold weekend when we could not get the new boiler to heat house properly (old house on a slab with no ducting to blow the air around) and no A/C we jumped in and had 2 ductless mini split units put in. A/C and Hyper Heat, I can’t wait to see the next electric bill, since I was able to turn of the thermostats in those areas. 7000.00 later……0% financing for 18 months but the goal is 12 months
Ouch, but what’s a person to do? I have no doubt you’ll get it paid off in 12 months.
Well, if it lasts 30 years like the old one, I guess you can think of it as amortizing the $6300 over 30 years, so it doesn’t seem quite so bad :/
it will be interesting to see if your bill is less with the new furnace in now.
I like your thinking! It will be interesting to see how much more efficient this new unit is, although right now these extreme cold temps aren’t helping!
$6300 well spent. 🙂 It is so sweet that you built a ramp for your dogs. I have an aging golden retriever, and I’m noticing a difference in his walking ability. 🙁
Stay warm! And hopefully Spring will be here sooner than 49 days! 🙂
We feel it was, although I wish we were better prepared. Sure is hard watching pets age. We figure if a ramp can make their life a little easier, it is worth doing.
Hi Lucy, I am glad you got the new furnace, especially if you have had the same kind of cold temperatures we have had this week. My car battery died this week, so hubby having to get a new one and install. Luckily I didn’t get stranded anywhere. Stay warm! <3
Crazy weather, huh? Sorry about your car battery. These temps are hard on vehicles. We reached 16 degrees today. Felt like a heatwave. Lol Hope you’re staying warm, too!
Well… that’s a hefty bill, but I’m so glad you have heat!
The $76K Project recently posted…When Taking A Pay Cut Means Overhauling Your Budget
Thanks! With our weather, heat is much needed!