Our road
I’ll try not to make this entire post about our weather, but be forewarned, I’m feeling a rant coming on!
Enough with the snow already! Earlier this week we had 16.5 inches of the white stuff dumped on us. I probably shouldn’t complain as a neighboring town 30 miles from us received 26+ inches. Good grief. Today we are being blasted with another 4-6 inches. And then there is the blowing. It is insane! Enough with this weather already! Below is a short video I took, and this was when it was a bit calmer! I took the picture of our road yesterday when I was on my way to work.
Okay, rant over – well, sort of. I had planned to run a few errands today, but I can see that isn’t going to happen. Right now I’m very grateful that I can stay home. As they say, count your blessings!
Not much going on with our debt reduction or savings. The only real change is that our Citi account is now at $3,000. Between what Hubs took home and my check tomorrow, I think I’ll be able to make at least a $500 deposit into our savings. Of course, this could change if I don’t make it to work on account of our weather.
I don’t have a lot going on with my business, also on account of the weather. While of course, I’ve gone to work whenever I can, I have zero desire to go anywhere else (to the city) for my business. The less I’m on the roads right now, the better. The accident reports are as crazy as the weather.
Today I’ll be working some more on getting our taxes ready to send to our CPA. I still need property tax info from our county, but they won’t mail (or email) a receipt which means a trip to their office. If that isn’t the stupidest thing, I don’t know what is. I guess that is what you get with a small town government office.
Brrrrr! I’m cold just looking at that video!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…I Bird Boxed My Imagination
It is very cold!
That blowing snow looks cold! We got about 8 inches yesterday and a few more last night. Seems to have stopped for now, thank goodness.
That’s also why the video was so short. Too cold to be outside. I don’t imagine the snow is helping your house build any either. Hopefully, your workers don’t use it as an excuse not to come to work.
they have shown up the past 2 days, which has honestly been a surprise, but all the work being done is inside work, so I’m sure that helps. DH is keeping busy plowing with his quad.
Good thing it is inside work. Otherwise, you might not see them again until Spring! Keeping your DH busy…bring on the snow. Lol
Wow! So sorry! I’m not a fan of snow at.all. If I can, I avoid it. 🙂
Hope it warms up soon!
Right now, I’m not either!
I guess you don’t want to hear about our rain, huh 🙂 You are still rocking out the debt!!! We are doing well – so far we have 14/15 no spend days in our no spend month. I’ve been dealing with bronchitis and I caved yesterday after my doctor’s appointment and let dd talk me into “grabbing something quick” at Whole Foods……..$32 later we had lunch…….:( Back on track today!!!!
Hmm, not so sure rain would be a good thing on top of all the snow we’ve had! You are doing great with your no-spend February. Sorry about your bronchitis. Sometimes a little comfort food just makes you feel better. Hope you’re completely on the mend soon.
Mother Nature is on crack around here lately. So far this month we’ve had snow, sleet, freezing rain, ice, and rain. Not to mention the Polar Vortex stuff and oh, did I mention it hit 60F here today?
The world might just be ending soon……..lolz
Ha, with all the snow, I completely forgot about the Polar Vortex! 60 degrees? That would help the snow do some melting! And Sluggy, depending on who you listen to, we may only have another 12 years. Crazy people! lol
I don’t get snow where I live now, so that actually looks fun to visit and play in, wind and all.
But yeah, I wouldn’t want to live in it, either.
While it’s here, might as well sit by a window, have some hot cocoa, and enjoy the picturesque scenery of Winter’s Fury.
Double Debt Single Woman recently posted…[-$29,900] I’m in the 20’s! : That Sounds Like Berries to Me!
Consider yourself lucky! Lol While the snow is nice for the first month or so, I’m over it and am ready to see some grass!