This past week I’ve had two instances of being overcharged. The first time was at the grocery store. Scanning my receipt as I was walking out, I quickly saw that one item rang up as a dollar too much. While to some people, a dollar might not seem worth the trouble of going to customer service and getting it corrected, but to me it is. I also happen to live in a state that has a scanner law. What this means is that you get the difference, plus an additional bonus of up to $5. For me, the dollar overcharge became $6 back in my pocket. Glad I was paying attention!
My second overcharge came yesterday with the delivery of our propane. I had sticker shock when reviewing the bill. Fortunately, it only took a moment to realize that the 850 gallons were at a price of $1.75 and not the $1.54 they quoted when I placed the order. At $0.21 more per gallon, that equated to an overcharge of $178.50, not including the extra taxes they also add. I wasted no time in calling the company, and they will send out an adjusted bill. Their excuse was something about a mixup in our order and the need to resubmit it. Hard telling if this is the truth. Years ago we had trouble with this company not honoring a price, so I have trust issues with them. If it weren’t that our house came with two of their tanks, plus the fact that the tanks are so deep in the woods, I’d use a different provider. Most homes only have a 300 or 500 gallon, so for us to have two 1000 gallon tanks is very unusual. Given that we like our setup, we will just need to be diligent in watching our bills and get everything in writing!
These two overcharged got me to thinking about people who don’t scrutinize their receipts. While I would hope that a person would catch a huge discrepancy like the case of our propane, what about all the other little things? Do others pay attention, and equally as important, take the time to get an overcharge corrected? My hunch is that the majority of those of you reading my blog are in the group that does pay attention. But if you aren’t, please start doing so! Not catching these mistakes is less money in your pocket!
Not much progress yet with our debt this month. I did make our car payment as I like to keep that a month ahead. I also took delivery of more wood today. We have never been in a position of having an additional year’s worth stored, and my goal is to get us there this year. For those of you not familiar with heating with wood, doing this is a common practice. It is also far safer as wood needs to season. Burning green wood can result in creosote which is a significant contributor to chimney fires. So, much of the wood we are getting right now won’t be used until the winter of 2019/2020. We still had enough leftover from last year to have a nice start for the coming season. Kind of seems strange talking about heating during August, but Winter comes early in our neck of the woods!
I totally check my receipts. In the grocery store check out line, I watch the item prices as they are scanned. The most common mistake is a cashier having to enter in produce by hand and mixing up which produce it is. White onion vs yellow onion, yam vs sweet potato, that sort of thing. I’m certainly glad you caught that propane mistake! Thanks for posting.:-)
PRISCILLA recently posted…A Simple DIY Embroidered Kraft Journal
Those produce prices can make a difference! Sometimes you can’t help but wonder if some of these young cashiers actually know the difference or they are just careless. Either way, good for you for paying attention!
Yes ma’am I am on receipt checking like flies on a cow. What I did have to get better at (but now I just have hubs do it) is returning items for whatever reason. Or no reason in particular….just buyers remorse.
Haha. That made me laugh! I wasn’t always great at returning things either. Now that I hardly buy anything, no worries in that department!
I was overcharged $1.08 the other day at McDonald’s and my friend was absolutely SHOCKED I went back to get my cash. She didn’t see the point for “just” $1.08 – that is MY $1.08, McDonald’s has enough money!!!
Heck yeah, I’d be going back for my cash! That’s $1.08 in your pocket rather than theirs! Tightwads unite!
I have had that happen where I got double charged for a bag of avocados I turned around and had them adjust it. Today at Sprouts, when they scanned the items, I couldn’t see the items. Thankfully, I write everything down while shopping.
Rhitter recently posted…On Unusual Heat Wave
Just goes to show that it pays (saves!) to pay attention!
That is a great law. I wish NY had it. Years ago some of the stores would give you the item free if it rang up incorrectly. Not any more. I always check my receipt before I leave the store. I always have coupons and digital coupons so I like to make sure they are applied properly.
I think it helps encourage stores to be more diligent with correct pricing. Getting a free item would be nice, but I’m still grateful for the bonus. Too bad your stores no longer are so generous.
Yes I check my receipts. Just think how much money they make with all the people that don’t notice. I find mistakes constantly. Makes one wonder how accidental they are.
Good for you for paying attention! I do wonder about all the people that don’t notice. I’m sure those that don’t pay attention do add to the profits of these stores. Is this somehow calculated in the store’s budget? Hmm….
I am the worst at this, I tend to notice later after I have left the store. Then it’s the hassle of driving back and waiting in line. I hate that you can’t trust people/stores to ring up items properly.
Depending on the store, they may adjust later. But you still have to wait in line so that doesn’t help in that department.
It’s also important to remember that collectors aren’t allowed to charge any interest or fees to your account unless the original contract includes them or your state’s law allows it. Know your rights, always 🙂
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