Yesterday I tried something new. I did my first ever grocery store pickup. With the rising prices of seemingly everything, I am focusing on being even more frugal. There are days I seriously question how much more frugal one can be. Leave no dime unturned, and I’ll see what else I can find!
One perk of this first grocery store pickup was having a $15 off code sent to me by a friend. As a bonus, she will also receive $15 for the referral. I continue trying out more store brands to stretch our grocery dollars further. The order went smoothly, with a wait time of maybe 15 minutes before they brought out my order. Although I only had 28 items, I know I couldn’t have gotten in and out of the store in 15 minutes, so this was undoubtedly a time saver. Not going into a store also saves on the money end of the equation as it removes the temptation to buy more.
Next door to our Walmart is Menards. For those unfamiliar, it is similar to Lowes or Home Depot. Hubs has his birthday this month, and a week or so ago, I had a lightbulb moment as to what I could get him. I also had in-store rebate money to use that reduced the gift I bought for him by 50%. Hubs will occasionally read A Dime at a Time (mostly when he is super bored!), so I won’t take a chance of ruining his surprise by mentioning what I purchased. Hubs knows I’m frugal, so the 50% off thing wouldn’t surprise him in the least. Haha.
The one thing about Menards is they often have some excellent buys with their rebate program. The trouble is that you then need to spend that rebate in the store. Given the type of store, though, this is never a problem. I had a couple of these rebate deals in my cart (mostly cleaning supplies) but then decided I didn’t really need the items and put them back on the shelf. There are always deals to be had, and in keeping with my “mindful spending,” I left Menards with the item I went in to buy.
I also needed to stop for my prescription (one wasn’t ready, but I have enough pills for eight more days), so I did that as well.
Gas. Let me vent about that for a moment. When I filled my tank on January 23rd, it was $3.29. Yesterday, it was $3.49. Yep, a full 20 cent per gallon increase. While I didn’t absolutely need gas, I went ahead and topped off my tank. I figured the price would likely only be higher the next time I venture out. Topping off my gas tank was $32.69. I’m thankful I no longer do the amount of driving I used to when I worked.
Hubs received an email that nasty SIL and her attorney are working on a partial distribution—still no progress regarding the house. Good SIL thinks nasty SIL is trying to drag it out so the market will change in her favor. Hubs is adamant that he won’t sell for less than the potential seller offered, regardless of what the market does. If nasty SIL screws up the deal, she best get used to paying her third of the upkeep. Although we don’t want to keep the house, we are financially able to do so. Hmm, perhaps we might consider spending part of our winter in a milder climate. Our attorney says we all have the right to use the house as much as we want. Unlike good SIL and nasty SIL, we have family and friends in the same community. As I’ve mentioned before, the house is entirely separate from the trust. All three siblings need to agree for it to be sold. What a royal pain this estate has been!
Your plan sounds like mine-:stretch funds, get the most out of the dollars we spend. I’m all too familiar with awful Family members. I can’t imagine treating my siblings spouses siblings or their spouses the way things have gone. Ruined generations of relationships.
I think stretching our dollars is the best thing we can do right now. I think twice before putting anything into my cart. Even after I do, the item is often removed!
This family situation. I don’t understand it. My side of the family is far from perfect, but we sure didn’t quarrel over money and who got what with the settling of my parents’ estate.
Love Menards for their rebates. Stocked up on husband’s favorite crackers with their 15% off bag sale. They were cheaper than grocery stores sale price originally plus the 15%.
I think Menards grocery dept, along with their sales, has other big box home improvement stores beat. I’m with you on the rebates and 15% off bag sales. I wish they had their 11% off rebate when I purchased Hubs gift. I think they still make price adjustments, so I’ll be watching for the deal to roll around again.
I’d think I’d died and gone to heaven with the price of your petrol. Ours is over $6/gallon. And like you I’m SOOOOO glad I don’t have to drive to work every day any more!
Oh my word! I can’t even begin to imagine paying that price at the pump ~ and pray we never do! How are people in your country even making it?
I need to start being more mindful again of stretching dollars. I’ve been getting lax in some areas.
We all need a reset from time to time!
I like Menards because of their incentives. With their 15% off bag deal, I stocked up on my husband’s favourite crackers. They were originally 15% lower than the discount price at the supermarket shop.
pickthevoucher recently posted…Get 15% off with this Club L London discount code
A good buy for sure!