What better time to blog?
3:30 AM sure came early. I’m not quite so sure that going to bed a little earlier actually helped either us. I don’t think either of us slept that well. I think it is only natural to have a few worries, no matter what procedure is being done. Then there was the worry of oversleeping.
We made it to the hospital right at 5:30. Given our weather being super windy and rainy, I am glad we had given ourselves a little bit more time. Hubby was taken down to pre-op at 7:00, with his surgery scheduled to start at 7:30. Looking at the time, they should be starting right about now. 90 minutes were allotted for the surgery, but depending on what they find, it could be less or could be more. The last couple of days Hubby has complained about some tenderness on his right side as well. Interestingly, our nephew (on Hubs side) also had a hernia repair done just two weeks ago. During his procedure, though, a second hernia was also discovered. Hmm, I wonder how much extra they would charge for repairing a “bonus” hernia? I guess it really wouldn’t matter for us since with this surgery we will have maxed out our out-of-pocket expenses.
Going back to the weather, we could start seeing some snow. Some reports say we could get as much as 6 inches, although with the ground not frozen I doubt it would stay around for too long. Can you tell I’m eager to try out our new snowblower? Having never used one before, this is all new to me. Even though I wouldn’t want Hubs using it so soon after his surgery, I’d feel better having him around for the use or two.
Today I am cashing out some sick pay. I can’t remember exactly how much I have on the books, but think it was around ten hours or so. Thankfully my job allows employees to use sick time for taking care of family members. I’ll actually come out ahead on my check as I never work that many hours on one given day and one day is all I am taking off. Hey, take the wins whenever you can, no matter how small!
My boss from my seasonal job also texted me yesterday. She wanted to know my hours from the previous two weeks. All I had really done was update a report and stop in at the office a couple of times, mostly just to check on things. I told her just to pay me two hours. She also has some upcoming work for me in November and additionally wants to do some brainstorming for the next season. While under different circumstances this would have all been snowflakes for our debt, right now they will go towards staying afloat. I refuse to sweat it. Right now my focus is on getting Hubby healthy again and am just thankful for any snowflakes that do come our way.
Yesterday I also received another snowflake in the form of a payout from Adsense. This is all new to me, so it was a pleasant surprise to see $111 deposited into our checking account. While making money off my blog has never been my focus, I certainly won’t turn it down either!
Guess I’ll spend a little time doing some M-Turking. While the pay isn’t great (don’t quit your day job if you have one!) it pays better than many other sites. Yesterday I had enough to transfer enough from my payment account to my checking account to cover the minimums on two credit cards. Again, helping us stay afloat!
Before I close, I do want to express my gratitude for all the well wishes and prayers. I am so thankful for my blogging family!
Good luck today!
Thank you!
Hmmm, interesting about the nephew. I wonder if hernias can run in families. Let us know how things turn out although I’m sure everything will be fine.
I believe they can as Hubby has a sister who had a hernia repair (at a young age!) and his father almost died when one became strangulated. While it is fairly routine surgery, hernias are something that really can’t be ignored.
Hope all goes well. is it outpatient, so he gets to go home today? That is great on the adsense earnings. It will be awhile before I hit $100 again, I think. This past month the earnings have went down by about half, but it’s certainly better than nothing.
OneFamily recently posted…it’s a boring post
Thankfully it was outpatient. Hard telling how long it will take to reach that $100 threshold again. Part of those earnings were from a (now dead) blog I had a few years ago. Still, it was a nice surprise.
Just keep plugging along, I am right there with you. Prayers for you and Hubby. Wish you were close I would bring over a meal or two.
Thank you! I wish you I wish you lived closer too. The meals I see and hear about you preparing sound fantastic!
Prayers for quick healing
Thank you!
I hope every went well today and that he heals quickly.
Thank you!