You win some; you lose some.
No, I haven’t lost my position. What I did however lose was several hours of anticipated pay. With the canceling of the final event of the season, the focus will now be on closing things down. At best, for me, this probably amounts to only a few hours of filing, checking the mail, and the updating of a report I created earlier this month.
On the winning side of things, my boss has asked me if I would periodically be available to help her with some tasks during the Winter months. It might be a few hours of stuffing envelopes (hey, I guess that can be legit work! Lol) or brainstorming for next year’s season or whatever task she doesn’t like to do, but I’ll gladly take any hours I can get. This offer also indicates she wants to keep me around for another year. I can’t say that I was overly concerned as no one seems to want my position. Apparently, the idea of giving up your Summer to push paperwork isn’t very appealing to too many people. Real job security.
In other happenings here at A Dime at a Time, yesterday I was able to request a balance transfer. While not at zero percent, this did condense two higher interest rate credit cards down to one with a 5.99% for life. Obviously, the plan is also to get rid of this one ASAP, but this buys us some time as we pay off other offers.
The transfer also more than satisfies the payments that would have otherwise been due on these two credit cards. Yes, I do realize that I am shifting those payments for this month. With having spent almost 2k in auto repairs this month, our bank accounts could only take so much, so this greatly helped.
Right now I feel our debts are in a bit of a transition phase as we move them around to lower the interest rates. While there have been some flat fees involved to accomplish this, what we save on interest will be worth it. During these couple of months, I am looking at the bottom line of our debt. Providing the number continues to go down, I’m okay with it. Okay with it doesn’t mean I’m happy about it, it means I am realistic. Once it all settles down (next month?), we should start to see better progress as so much more will go towards the principle of our debt rather than all that stinking interest.
And so our journey to debt freedom continues.
Think long game. Baby steps are still steps…..
Sluggy recently posted…Giveaway Results!
Thanks, Sluggy. These baby steps are setting us up for some very long strides!
Kudos for transferring debt to a 5.99 percent card.
Yeah, seasonal work, been there. I kinda liked it. Just when I thought I was getting into a rut, bam, new change of pace!
That’s what I like about seasonal work. Not great if you need a steady paycheck, but no time to get bored with the job!
This is great information for students who are thinking this through. I did both when I was in college, but not at the same time.
It takes so long to get out. I know the frustration, but we will do this together and it will be great. Hang in there.
It sure does take a long time, but it will be worth it. Keep plugging away is all we can do!
I am agree with your opinions and i wish you all the best
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It takes so long to get out. I know the frustration, but we will do this together and it will be great. Hang in there. Camping VIC
Yeah, seasonal work, been there. I kinda liked it. Just when I thought I was getting into a rut, bam, new change of pace! Camping VIC