Today marks the beginning of a new month. August’s numbers were less than stellar, but we did make some progress. Before I get into all of that, let me share a little about the baby job. It turns out that they do still want me to cover hours for them on Saturdays. In fact, they even asked me if I could take care of the kiddo next Sunday. It will mean that I don’t get a day off, but since we are in debt, I certainly won’t turn down the hours. I do kind of wonder how they can afford to pay so much out for childcare, but I guess that is their business. Now for my update:
1-1-2017 $55,749.69
1-1-2018 $46,408.39
9-1-2108 $27,569.52
To spare you the math:
Our total debt reduction for this month was $819.91
Our total debt reduction for 2018 is $18,838.87
Our overall debt reduction since our start in 2017 is $28,180.17
And the breakdown of what we still owe:
Discover (The Beast) $6,850 (0%)
Car $5,355.98 (1.99%)
Citi $6,480 (0%)
Visa $8,883.54 (5.99%)
And something very exciting…We are now a smidge over the halfway point in our debt reduction! Woohoo!
Now I’m sure it is because I just spent several hours with a baby, but when I realized we had hit the 50% milestone, I couldn’t help but start singing the nursery song “The bear went over the mountain to see what he could see.” The big difference though between that bear and me is that I see debt freedom! It makes singing these silly nursery songs all the more worthwhile!
So how about you? How did August treat you? I know many of you had rough months, too. The important thing is not to let them get you down. Keep plugging away. The journey is so worth it!
Priscilla Bettis says
Congrats on passing the 50 percent mark!
We had to plan oatmeal breakfasts and bean dinners for the last week of August, but it kept us under budget, so I’m thrilled. Besides, we like old fashioned oatmeal, and we like beans.:-)
Lucy says
Thank you, and I’d call your oatmeal and beans a win-win! Good job staying under budget!
chris says
Lucy! This is wonderful news that you are halfway there! Woo Hoo! Congratulations! I want to update that we have 25.9% remaining on our mortgage. Keep up the good work!.
Lucy says
Thank you! Wow, you are doing an amazing job getting your mortgage paid off! While I’m eager to see our baby step two debt gone, I’m even more excited to start paying off the house. All in time!
Marybeth says
Half way there! Great job. We did really well in August. We paid for our son’s 3rd semester of college without taking out stupid loans, I mean student loans. We hit most of our goals for the month. If you are interested in seeing them they are here:
Lucy says
Thank you! You did do well in August! You had a long list of goals and did fantastic hitting so many of them!
Rhitter says
That is fantastic! So proud of you. For me… I crushed it!!! LOL! And I will have a few more debts paid off this month, and should be able to pay off one more card by the end of the year.
Lucy says
Thanks, Rhitter! Yes, you did crush August! I was thrilled to see your post today regarding getting more hours with your side hustle! Woohoo, more snowball money!
Sue says
You are doing incredibly well – such an inspiration!!! We had a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE month…..did I mention HORRIBLE????? Long story but we are a LOT more in debt and more determined than ever to get rid of it once and for all and build up our sinking funds so we don’t resort to credit cards.
Lucy says
Oh no, Sue. I am so sorry. 🙁 Praying for a much better month ahead for you.