Time sure seems to go by fast these days. It feels like I just did an update not too long ago. Being down to only two debts (not including our house) it doesn’t seem like all that much is changing. But hey, the total is going down and that is the focus, so no complaints here! Without further ado, here is where we currently stand.
1-1-2017 $55,749.69
1-1-2018 $46,408.39
11-30-2018 $13,240.44
To spare you the math:
Our total debt reduction for November is $1,354.69
Our total debt reduction for 2018 is $33,167.95
Our overall debt reduction since our start in 2017 is $42,509.25
And the breakdown and corresponding interest rates of what we still owe:
Citi $4,800 (0%)
Visa $8,440.44 (5.99%)
TOTAL 13,240.44
Looking ahead for December, my goal is to send another $1,200 to Citi and $200 to Visa. Right now I am feeling more of an urgency to get the Citi paid off ASAP. The reason being is concerns with my baby job coming to an end. While the parents want a nurse caring for him during the cold and flu season, I know paying for one (me) is a huge financial strain for them. Without a doubt, they try not to go over 25 hours per week. Right now I am just praying they keep me employed at least until we can knock out our Citi card. So as not to “sit on my hands” during this time, I have also been working on increasing my business. Admittedly, some days with that are better than others. But, keep plugging away I do!
How was November for you? Were you able to reach your goals, whether be it savings or debt pay off? No matter what, don’t ever give up! Financial freedom awaits!
We went four dollars over on our November budget. Eh, I’ll just call it even.:-) I love seeing how your numbers are progressing, go you!
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I’d call it even, too! Four dollars is nothing and can easily be absorbed.
You are getting so close! just two left. I hope you are going to continue to blog about something once debt is paid! I would miss your posts 🙂
It is getting exciting! I do intend to keep blogging after this debt is behind us. We still have our fully funded emergency fund to build, a house to pay off and we also want to do a major overhaul on our house. We will do it…A Dime at a Time! Thanks for your continuing support!
You are going to get it paid off – there is NO doubt in my mind!!!!
We WERE going to have my car paid off by the end of the month but dh had to get a “deep cleaning” at his new dentist now that he is on Medicare and it cost $489!!!!!! There went the $500 I was going to send in on my car BUT we did pay cash and did NOT put anything on a credit card!!!! I’m hoping he’ll get a nice bonus that will pay off the car if not, I’ll just move it a couple months and try not to be mad about it 🙂
Ouch on the cleaning fee, but kudos for paying cash and not taking on any new debt! Call it a win! Your car will still be paid off in no time and your snowball will be all the bigger for having done so!
You are doing so well! I hope you can keep the baby job as long as possible. I belueve you are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Thanks. I’m hoping the job continues, too. Although fairly basic nursing skills (meds and tube fee) I really enjoy working in this capacity again. The kiddo is also super cute, so that helps too!