Wow. What a month it has been! The biggie, of course, being that The Beast (aka Discover) was PAID OFF IN FULL and the car being ever so close! The $3,500 finally cleared and is reflected in the balance. I have scheduled yet another payment towards it, this time using our regular bank. The funds came from my job taking care of the baby, $50 from M-Turks and a little from the “comfort zone” of our checking account. I’ll be receiving another check on the weekend plus we are still waiting on the refund from our insurance company for the canceled policy. Now to the good part. The following is where we now stand. As always, I like to give a brief overview of our numbers.
1-1-2017 $55,749.69
1-1-2018 $46,408.39
10-17-2018 $15,992.62
To spare you the math:
Our total debt reduction so far for October is $10,617.41
Our total debt reduction for 2018 is $30,415.77
Our overall debt reduction since our start in 2017 is $39,757.07
And the breakdown and corresponding interest rates of what we still owe:
Car $990.67 (1.99%) This amount reflects tomorrow’s payment
Citi $6,250 (0%) I paid October’s payment
Visa $8,751.95 (5.99%) This debt will receive its regular payment closer to the end of the month.
TOTAL 15,992.62
My goal for the remainder of October is to see the car paid off in full and then it’s on to the next debt! The light at the end of the tunnel is becoming a lot brighter!
Paying off 39k so far is pretty darn good, congrats! It’s cool to see the car down to 3 digits.:-)
I know! I still pinch myself when I see these numbers!
OMG!! You are SO close!!!
Shouldn’t be much longer before it is all gone! I am NEVER going back to having debt!
Hope you have your SHADES ready for all that bright light!!!!!!
Love it!
That is fantastic!! I think you definitely are going to win this race!!! LOL!! So happy for you!
Rhitter recently posted…On Final Separation of Items
Winning is the plan! I know there are several of us beating down debt in our 50s+. Keep on pushing and we will all get there!
You are getting so close! how exciting 🙂
Thanks. I still can’t believe how far we’ve come!
You are going to be done with the car and have paid off $40 thousand +. Great job!
Thank you!