I give our roof an A+!
Well, the 5 inches of snow never materialized, but we certainly have had a lot of rain. In fact, it hasn’t quit since starting last evening. After coming home to a leaky roof on Tuesday, this rain should have had me reaching for buckets. Although I obviously don’t know what is going on underneath the shingles, I can say that we have not had one single drip inside the house. I should probably be knocking on wood for even typing this. My hunch is that the leak we experienced had something to do with the driving force of the rain (it was wicked!) and the flashing around the clearstory windows. For the time being, I’m just glad the rain remains outside. A repair will still need to be done, but given the time of year, other than try to prepare, there really isn’t much of anything we can do about it right now.
One test, however, that was failed was the skunk test. I’ll give our dogs about a C on that one. I’m not sure whether the skunk was in the fenced area, or just very close by. What I do know is that one of our dogs got a little too close and ended up smelling anything but pleasant. I can’t fail them as they were just doing their jobs of protecting the premises, but yuck! There are just some critters that shouldn’t be messed with and a skunk ranks very high on that list! This isn’t the dogs first rodeo with skunks, so you would think they’d learn their lesson! After using an initial treatment of dish soap, peroxide and baking soda followed by a mix of vanilla extract and warm water, the dog now smells like a sugar cookie with a hint of sulfur.
Yesterday we stayed home the entire day. I think it did Hubby some good to rest up some more. I spent some time outside bringing wood from the woodshed to the garage in anticipation of the storm that never materialized. No big deal as we still needed it for the wood stove. I was just trying to have extra in the garage to avoid traipsing through the snow. While outside, I also moved three huge heavy pots off the driveway. Hubs kept coming outside to ask if he could help, but no way could he with his current restrictions. Sitting around for any length of time isn’t something he is accustomed to doing. I can tell he is getting antsy.
Money wise, I earned a little from M-Turks but then spent time working on my FBA business. I’m looking at new software and signed up for a free 10 day trial. Such a learning curve, but I can really see the potential for growth by incorporating it into my business. Like all things, time will tell.
So, that pretty well sums up Wednesday for me. Now it is YOUR turn…How was your day?
Oh the dog-n-skunk thing. We’ve had to deal with that. It’s kind of funny and sad at the same time! I made some child-like Halloween treats today and grossed myself out! I’m more of a Thanksgiving and Christmas gal for sure!
I’ll need to go check those out! Sounds like fun! Thanks for sharing!
LOL..sugar cookie with a hint of sulfur. I have one window that has leaked when rain blows sideways. It has only come into the house twice, but I wonder how much just went down into the wall. Friday, I did nothing because I am trying to recover from the drive with crazy person on Wed night. Now, I am waiting for a deluge.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…A Reason to Turn on the Oven
Hoping your wall doesn’t have any damage from the leak. Rain sure can be powerful at times! I just read your ordeal. Wow. I would be distancing myself from that girl sooner than later. That is some crazy stuff!
Skunks are the worst! We had one shoot off during our running group the other day and it was all we could do not to gag.
I would love to hear more about your FBA business! I’ve heard it can be really lucrative (and fun!)
The 76K Project recently posted…10 Things We’ve Learned About Debt Repayment
I bet that skunk made your group run even faster! Lol
FBA is fun and can be a profitable side hustle or even a full-time job. I’ve always enjoyed the “thrill of the hunt” so it makes for a perfect business for me.
OUr dog was sprayed only once and I think she learned her lesson. It was awful. We had to throw away her bed, and some pillows.
I wish our dog was as smart as yours. The smell is beyond sickening!
I can empathize with the “I can’t do anything but I’m bored” hubby. He’s been home 5 weeks now and hoping he only has 2 (I’m hoping 1) more week of rehab. Not only is not having his income putting a damper in things, the whole I’m bored attitude is making me glad I go to work every day.
Oh my goodness, that must be difficult for you, Patti. I didn’t realize that your hubby was still home recovering. 🙁 I completely get how two-fold this is. Loss of income + a bored hubby can really put a marriage to the test! I sincerely hope your hubby gets his okay to return to work sooner than later.
I’m guessing it is a transit level your dh may have used. My hubs has a very old one that was passed down to him from his grandfather, although I don’t recall my dh ever using it! Such a pretty piece of property you have!. Eventually, those dogs will get used to your activity and should settle down. Nothing worse than a dog that constantly barks.