Guess what I found yesterday? Keep reading, and I’ll let you know!
Late in the afternoon, I decided to go to town to do some sourcing for my business. Unfortunately, I was having one of those days where I just wasn’t finding much, or at least not what I would deem the effort. While I was returning my shopping cart to the corral, I spotted it. A ten dollar bill! Of course, I wouldn’t have driven 35 miles to town for $10 but finding it did put a little bounce in my step. For the record, I did think about bringing it to customer service, but we all know how that would have turned out.
Today I stayed home, so not much chance of finding any cash unless it was already ours. Lol I did, however, come across a little pine (pictured above) that survived not only the heavy snow but also our snowblower. These pines grow like weeds here, but I’m still amazed at their resilience. A friend of mine had asked me if our snow was gone yet. No, it isn’t. Not even close. I decided to go out and snap some pictures so she could see for herself. Here are a few I took.

The trail to the propane tanks.

Keep walking. The tanks really are in there!

I am starting to see more of the dock!
In case you’re wondering, the lines on the lake are from snowmobiles. At my own first glance, they looked more like power lines. Anyhow, I’m eager to trade those tracks for boats.
The day wasn’t a complete no-money day. Hubs did get an email from one of his hotel rewards clubs. He has mostly been staying at Best Westerns, so this other club had been showing inactivity. He either needs to stay in one of their hotels or use his points to avoid losing them. Don’t get too excited. He has a whopping $3. Lol Ah, The little things!
Nice find. $10 extra to the credit card. The lake picture is beautiful.
Thanks and yes, $10 going right to debt!
Finding money will ALWAYS improve your day – I get excited if I find a penny on the ground. I would probably wet my pants if I found $10 🙂
Sent my first snowball to Chase today – $135 – a combination of bottle/can returns and our insurance payment being much less because they forgot to take the destroyed car off last month. Normally we would have just gone out to eat with that money – NOT TODAY!!!!!
Good for you Sue. Is Chase your only debt?
Unfortunately….no – after Chase we have Bank of America Visa and a Schools Credit Union Visa and THAT IS IT!!!!
Lol. It was an exciting find! I’m so proud of you not using your “extra” money for eating out. Keep your focus on the target and it will be paid off before you know it!