What news do you want me to start with…the good or the bad? Whenever someone asks me that question, I always prefer to get the bad over with first and then end on a positive note. To let you make your own choice, I’ll post a happy face before the good news and a sad face before the bad.
We got the second bid for the deck. It came in at a few hundred less than the first bid. That isn’t bad, except for when it comes to our claims adjuster. He sent me a text saying that both proposals were slightly more than what he estimated. He then went on to ask if we had a preference in contractors. We prefer the first one (which is the highest) because they seem far more professional than the second company. He then said he would like to reach out to the cheaper of the two and try and reach an agreed price. When I texted back giving our preference for the other one, he then said he would call them both. This entire process is becoming ridiculous. I’m biting my tongue, but when this is over, I’ll be voicing my dissatisfaction regarding the handling/processing of our claim. At this point, my complaint is with the lousy adjuster assigned to us.
Unfortunately, I have two items that fall into the sad category. Yesterday I had my day in court over our property taxes. My neighbor (the one with the flooded crawl space issues) was also disputing hers. We both followed procedure by starting with the local office. No surprise that didn’t get us anywhere. So, 15 months later, we went before a judge. When all this started (thanks to our refi on our house) I had a very recent appraisal. None of this made a difference with them. They were out for money.
Interestingly, when we received our 2019 tax statements, the assessor did lower our taxes. What makes zero sense to us is that the court claims they can’t make any adjustment for the 2018 tax roll. Then just what is the point of appealing? Without getting into all the nitty-gritty, we were both frustrated when we walked out of the courtroom. My neighbor was downright angry, and I feel rightfully so. Her taxes are even higher than ours, and that is with a house valued $30K less than what ours is. There is no rhyme or reason. As for the final decision, we won’t know anything for roughly 90 days.
My good news gave me a much-needed boost in our journey to get debt free. Here we are at almost the midway point of the year. I am thrilled to say we are finally below the $10K mark! It has taken us two and a half years with more ups and downs than I care to think about, but here we are! The furnace is now at $2,500, and the Visa is at $7,287.43 for a remaining total of $9,787.43. Yes, still a lot to go. But, considering our starting debt of $55,433.10, we have come a long way! The end (for this step) is within reach. Progress, my friends, progress! 🙂
Happy face! Congrats on getting under 10k! Woohoo!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…DIY Author Photo
Thank you! Happy face indeed!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You are doing this!!!!!! I am hoping ours will be under the $10,000 mark before the end of the year – thank you for being such and inspiration!!!
Thanks, Sue! You are an inspiration to me, too! This is a battle we will both win!
Sorry about the hassles with the property taxes and the insurance adjuster. But the good news is really great! Woo Hoo! I can see the light at the end of your tunnel!
At least those two annoyances haven’t cost us anything additional. The light at the end of the tunnel sure is getting MUCH brighter! Cannot wait to have this debt over and done with!
I always like the bad news first, too. That doesn’t make any sense that they can’t adjust 2018. Like you said, then what’s the point. But, the debt total is great news!
Unfortunately, when it comes to things run by the government, it seldom benefits the taxpayer. I hope you don’t get slammed with taxes for your new house. Guess there are just some things we have little control over. My debt, however, is something I can (and am!) doing something about! I can’t wait until our mortgage becomes the target of our snowball.
Coming out from under the homework, wow regarding the taxes. BUT I am so happy for you that your debt is below $10K. Good on you!
In all my years of owning a home, this tax thing was a first. As they say…death and taxes. This sure has been a journey! Thanks for taking what little free time you have to read my latest happenings. All in time this will be but a distant memory for both of us. Amazing how finances change when one decides to take control and quit doing stupid!
What A great milestone!! So very exciting! Gives me hope!! Bummer about taxes and the adjuster.
Thank you! Trust me, if we can do it, anyone can! The Dave Ramsey baby steps (even modified) work!
Great work on getting to the halfway mark!!
Thanks, but we are more than halfway…down below 10K! Woohoo!