Just because you are digging out of debt, it doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish other goals. Ever since moving to our lake house three years ago, Hubs has wanted to build a dock over the rock jetty we have on our frontage. Our best guess is that these rocks came from the excavating of what is now the basement of our house. To say that we live in a very rocky area is putting it mildly! No matter how the rocks/boulders got out there, it made for the perfect place to add a dock. As to how we paid for our new dock, keep reading!
Hubs receives an agreed amount of money each month. I don’t question what Hubs does with his cash, and whatever he doesn’t spend, he keeps. Since he travels for a living and spends a lot of time in hotels, he also earns a fair amount of hotel rewards. We’ve been cashing these out for Lowes gift cards. I figure he is the one away from home, so this extra perk should come his way. I benefit too as he saved these gift cards for his dock project. We also had a few rebates that we added to the pot.
What we got for Hub’s savings is a 5-foot x 24-foot dock! The posts are sitting on top of these boulders, so technically it is removable, although we aren’t planning on taking it out. The plan is to add more large rocks (we have plenty!) which hopefully should prevent ice damage. We’ve seen other properties with decks built on top of rocks along the shoreline that seem to do just fine in the Winter/Spring months. When we eventually do get a boat, we will add a roll-in dock at the end of the one Hubs built. I think Hubs did a great job. Not an easy thing to construct with all the obstacles he faced.
In other news, I sent off the deposit for our driveway. We had heavy rains again, and the driveway now looks even worse. Hopefully, it will get done sooner than later because navigation is becoming increasingly difficult. I can’t even make it up the driveway without the traction control light turning on in my car.
Some sad news for some friends of ours. Their son-in-law was killed in a car accident, leaving behind his wife with seven children plus one on the way. He was only 34 and making things worse, he had no life insurance. I cannot even begin to imagine what this family is going through, not to mentions the hardships yet to come. At times like this, finances should be the last thing to concern oneself with. The good thing is that this entire family is huge, so there is a lot of support to go around. I guess the lesson to learn here is that if you don’t have life insurance, get some! None of us know what tomorrow may bring.
I’m happy for you. The dock looks great. Good job by Hubs saving up for it!
So sorry to hear about your friends’ son-in-law. That’s rough.
PRISCILLA recently posted…My 12-Week, Whole House Cleaning Routine
Thank you. It turned out great and best of all, was a good lesson in saving.
Now that’s the way to build a dock….save up for it! Nice job to Hubs! 😎
Thanks! I think it was good for him as it also gave him something to look forward to doing. It also helped to break up the monotony of beating down our debt.
That dock looks great and your property is beautiful!!
Thank you! We feel very blessed to live here.
The deck looks absolutely beautiful – hubs did a fantastic job!! I am so sorry for your friend’s family – I can’t imagine being left with 7 1/2 kids on my own – so glad she has family to help her through this!!! Just like my dd – your life can change in the blink of an eye and all you can do is power on and try to be strong. My heart goes out to her and I pray she gets through this and finds a new “normal” quickly. That is what I say when people ask how we are doing – we are trying to find a new “normal”….whatever that may be!!!
Thank you. I think you hit the nail on the head about it becoming their new normal. So sad.
Wow… I can see myself with a book and a flask of sweet tea. Good job.
Such tragic news about your friend’s family. Wow. Prayers.
Rhitter recently posted…On Unpausing the Snowball
Thank you. Come on over any time! I’ll have the tea ready!
I am sorry about your family friend. That poor woman.
Your deck came out great. And paying for it the way you did was brilliant. The picture on the bottom is amazing. Any time you need someone to house sit, just let me know. I would sit there all day.
Thank you. Part of me felt a little guilty, but at least nothing out of pocket was spent. This is a long journey we are on, and if doing something like this helps keep Hubs on board, it is worth it.
Oh, and your welcome to come house sit any time…as long as you are willing to take care of our geriatric pets while you’re here!
That is a beautiful deck. I love the view of the lawn and the deck. I am sorry for your friend, but she will get SSI for the 7 children, it will just be tough for her. It is things like this that make me ask why?
Thanks. I’m pleased with the way it turned out. I’m sure she is going to need that SSI. Even with that, it will be a tough road though.
I am so sorry for the sad news. How terrible for that family.
Your hubby did a fantastic job on the dock! It looks so nice.
The 76K Project recently posted…Sometimes You Gotta Get Away: Our Mini-Vacation to Colorado
Very sad, indeed. They are a family of strong faith, which is a good thing. We are super pleased with the new dock.
The dock looks awesome. And what a beautiful view you have!
OneFamily recently posted…More bad news
Thank you. We love it here. Peaceful and quiet, and for the most part, we feel we have the lake to ourselves
That is a beautiful free dock. He did a great job. I am sorry about the woman’s loss. That is rough.
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