This club has far too many members!
If there is one thing that blogging about our journey to get out of debt has made me realize, it is that we are certainly not alone. Being deeply in debt is not some type of exclusive club. In fact, there really are far too many members! There is, however, one big difference that does set us apart from those having a general membership status…we are actually trying to do something to change it! I say “we” because whether you are a blogger yourself, or even simply a reader, I doubt you’d be visiting my blog if you weren’t also looking to end your own membership in The Debt Club.
The general membership of The Debt Club is a cruel one. It usually causes sleepless nights, endless worry, shame, relationship issues, despair, etc. I personally know this all too well because DH and I didn’t upgrade our membership until two months ago. That’s right, we have been members of The Debt Club for over 25 years! So what did finally deciding to upgrade our status do for us? It gave us hope by giving us a manual and the wisdom of those who have found a way out! You see, there is yet another club who is actively looking for new members. And just who is that club? You guessed it…The Debt Free Club!
Lately I find myself reading personal finance blogs a little differently. I now see us as being members of these two clubs and having manuals. But not just that. We are members who are either working our way through the manuals or who have managed to master them! I am very thankful for the members of The Debt Free Club for sharing what they have learned with those of us with upgraded memberships in The Debt Club. While there are a lot of different manuals out there (Dave Ramsey, David Bach, Suze Orman, etc) as long as it helps you get accepted into The Debt Free Club, that is what ultimately matters. I am grateful for their eagerness to welcome us as future members. I cannot wait to join!
We were kind of forced into the debt free club (best thing ever, looking back now) when DH health and the economy crashed at about the same time and we were forced to file bankruptcy. But, unlike some, we have stayed debt free (with exception of mortgage) the past almost 7 years since filling. Debt sucks and I'm so glad to not be a slave to it anymore.
Debt does suck! I'm happy that you have managed to avoid going back into debt. I told DH that I NEVER EVER want to borrow another dime again. I want my freedom!
Hey I have been walking this road for almost 35 years and I am tired of it. We will walk and finish together.
Sounds like a plan and you're right, 35 years is too long!
WE were in the same situation as One Family and filed BK as well. Stupid debt free until last year when we both needed vehicles. Him in Jan and me in Dec (mine is a lease which is just fine with me except I hate making any payments to any one) Care Credit will have to be used this year because I need extensive dental work and he needs yet another back surgery.
Not sure which is harder…getting out of debt or staying out of it! Hang in there. You got out once and I'm sure you can do it again!