Well, today was supposed to be the day to say goodbye to our elderly cat. It didn’t happen. We couldn’t do it. I removed the throw rug she peed on (it will go out with the trash) and put a spare litter box we had in place of the rug. While I’m not thrilled to have a litter box in our spare bedroom, the cat has been using it.
The only carpeted areas of our home are in our bedroom and our living room. We keep our bedroom door closed, and the cat has never done anything in the living room. Hubs also pointed out that we will be replacing all of the floorings when we make significant changes to our house.
Perhaps it is that we know this will be our last pet. Although the cat is getting scrawny, she doesn’t appear to be suffering. I pray that she will pass away in her sleep when the time is right, as my childhood cat did.
I wish our cat were a good mouser as we could put her to use in Hub’s truck. When he got it back from the repair shop (after three weeks!), his rig came with a mouse. Yuck! Hubs bought a couple of traps but had no success in eliminating the mouse. When I picked Hubs up, I brought six extra traps. All were new. I also brought disposable gloves to use while handling the traps as I read mice can detect human scent. We hope that the new traps will have worked when Hubs goes back to his truck later tonight.
Hubs is still having major issues with his rig. Supposedly, he is now slated to get a brand new truck in the coming weeks. Hopefully, the new rig won’t come with an extra passenger!
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