Good grief. The world seems to have gone crazy over the need to stockpile ~ especially toilet paper! I almost hate to admit it, but with all the hysteria, I felt a bit “forced” into doing some of my own stockpiling. Toilet paper was actually on my list of items to buy after work on Saturday. Given all the images and reports of empty shelves, I decided to do my shopping yesterday. Good thing I did, since several items on my list, were challenging to find.
The dad of the kiddo I take of did the very same thing. He came home with extra diapers, baby wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water. Except for the toilet paper, the rest of these items are all used for caring for the kiddo. Can’t fault him for wanting to provide for his child. Armed with info on what store still had some supplies, I went there first. It was our local (insert more expensive) store, but at least I now have toilet paper!
While I was in that first store, I met an older gentleman who was also there for the toilet paper. We chatted for probably a good twenty minutes about various things, such as military service, the economy, and politics. I thought he was about 75, but he mentioned he was 90! He gave me his name (said it was in the phone book), but me being terrible with names, I wish I wrote it down. Should I ever see him again (possible given our small community), I will make a point to exchange names/numbers. He was a pleasure to talk with, and I sensed a bit of loneliness, which isn’t uncommon in his age bracket. He mentioned having lost his wife seven years ago, and a son 18 months later. I had to laugh when he said he attended a fitness class for older people, but there weren’t any other men in the group. I joked with him about no competition and having his pick of the ladies. In many ways, this gentleman reminded me of my dad. Sometimes they just need to know that someone cares enough to listen.
While at the same store, another shopper also buying toilet paper, mentioned he was doing so for a friend. He said his friend didn’t get paid until the next day and was concerned about not finding what he needed. The situation made me feel sad. No doubt, there are a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck or on fixed incomes, making all the hysteria surrounded by the coronavirus for them even worse. While I don’t personally know of anyone in need, I’d most certainly help out if I did.
After leaving that store, I went to the city for my regular shopping. Food shopping wasn’t an issue, but toilet paper – there wasn’t a roll to be found—the same for many cleaning products. At one point, Hubs texted me (he is working on the East Coast), suggesting I buy some extra supplies. He has heard countless reports from other local workers about stores selling out of almost everything. The entire situation is insane. While I didn’t go overboard with my shopping, I did go ahead and bought some extra canned goods and other non-perishables. For good measure, I also bought some extra cat litter and cat food as well.
What are you experiencing in your neck of the woods? Have people gone crazy with stockpiling? What (if anything) are you buying extra of these days?
Well, THANKFULLY I finally found toilet paper, but antibacterial wipes are nowhere. to be found. I’ll just have to make sure I wash my hands and use my liquid sanitizer. I don’t blame the kiddo’s dad at all – in that situation I would do the same thing. I’m a little worried about dd who is in King County Washington because she tends to blow things off, but she assures me she is washing her hands & using sanitizer, so what else can she do?
I bought extra canned goods, rice, oatmeal, things like that but other than that – nothing I can do. They did just close the schools in town for 3 weeks but I knew this was REALLY serious when I saw they closed Disneyland!!!! Hoping it is over soon!!!!!
Glad you were able to get a few extra things. This entire situation seems to get worse by the day. Stay safe!
It’s funny, I think. I mean, 100 years ago people didn’t have toilet paper. They used leaves or rags. I would have no problem cutting up rags & using them – then washing in hot water & reusing. Same for “paper towels” – so not sure what the big hoarding is about. Not that you’d die without toilet paper! Some people just don’t have any common sense. Now THAT is scary to me!
I completely agree! I’d do what I’d need to do. All this hoarding is crazy!
I did get caught up in a bit of panic shopping this week. And my daughter did her fair share of panic shopping this morning. The fear of the unknown just takes over.
It can be hard not to let some panic take over. I did buy some extra items, but mostly so now I can stay out of stores. The less contact we have with others, the better. Strange times we are in.
We stocked up on bottled water, cold meds, and disinfecting wipes 3 weeks ago. Since then we’ve made a couple more grocery store and liquor store trips to top up and allow us about a month before we start running low again. And our plan is to not go out in public at least until then. I was directed to work from home starting today through at least April 30. This virus is no joke.
Everyone stay safe and wash your hands!!
And honestly, if there is a T.P. shortage I’d stock up on detergent!! You can always cut up a t-shirt and use that and wash in hot water.
I don’t drink but am almost tempted to start! Lol You are right, this virus is no joke. Stay safe!
I went to my local Target today when they opened at 7 am. They still had toilet tissue, limit one pack per customer. The bread aisle was completely empty! My daughter went to a more upscale grocery (we are in Minneapolis), and said they were well-stocked. I may have to decide to spend more in the future. I bought things like frozen fruit, dried lentils, chicken, some ground beef and sausage, pasta, canned tomatoes, tortillas, cheese, eggs, butter etc. I spent quite a bit, but at my age, I really don’t want to shop again for a few weeks. Our meals may be kind of simple and basic, but that’s okay.
PS sold out of yeast, and I see they are out of stock on Amazon too.
I do hope things calm down a bit after this initial shopping frenzy.
I think the more we can stay out of stores, the better. I’d rather do one large shopping trip than several smaller ones. I think this is one time when paying more (even though I wouldn’t like to) is worth the price. Stay healthy!
t’s funny, I think. I mean, 100 years ago people didn’t have toilet paper. They used leaves or rags. I would have no problem cutting up rags & using them – then washing in hot water & reusing. Same for “paper towels” – so not sure what the big hoarding is about. Not that you’d die without toilet paper! Some people just don’t have any common sense. Now THAT is scary to me!
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How ever did they survive back then? I agree, the lack of common sense is frightening!