Not quite the update I was hoping to give, but our zero balance screenshot should be coming very soon. I think the closing date of our Visa is today, so the next statement should be here before the end of the week. The payment has posted, so that’s a good thing!
I’ll keep this brief as I’m having some computer issues. I’m not entirely sure what is going on, but my browser keeps wanting to redirect me elsewhere. It gives me a search bar, but one that says it isn’t secure. After speaking with my daughter, she said to shut it down and change all my passwords (using a different pc) and she would figure out what is going on with my primary computer when I see her later this month. Thankfully I do have another computer, but man is it ever slow! Ugh, technology is so hard to keep up with, especially the older I get.
Thanks for hanging in there with me while I get through this minor blip.
So close!!
As silly as it probably seems, I just want to see that zero ~ or better yet, that there are a few dollars I need to request back!