What does one do on a snow day? Well, for one thing, I avoid going anywhere! We’ve been under a Winter storm warning all day and still have several hours to go. Accumulation total of up to 12 inches is what the weather reports said we could see. Hard telling how much we’ve had as the wind has been blowing the snow sideways most of the day. Clearing the driveway isn’t going to happen until the weather settles down a bit. So glad I didn’t have to go anywhere. Same goes for tomorrow.
Since I’m still not feeling 100%, I pretty much took it easy today. I am desperately trying to avoid missing another day of work. The kiddos mother texted me to inquire as to how I was doing. She also wanted to know if I (health permitted) could work some additional hours later in the week. I’ll be covering for the kiddos grandmother who needs to go out of town to see a dying family member. As always, I’ll happily take the extra time.
My day wasn’t a total waste though. I placed an online order for my business. I still prefer the retail end of things (profits are higher plus I love, love, love the thrill of the hunt!), but when you are stuck at home, online isn’t a bad option. I still tend to cringe a bit when I drop several hundreds of dollars with a few clicks of the mouse. One good thing is we are cash-based, and it all comes out of our business account. Better yet, we see the profits. Hubs was mentioning today that he feels a bit out of the loop when it comes to our business. I have to credit him for doing the research and coming up with this side hustle. He even came up with our business name and did a lot of the legal legwork. I joke with him that when he eventually leaves his current job, I’ll put him in charge of handling all the shipping. Let me tell you, some of these boxes get heavy!
Today I also did a little M-Turking. Weekends are never great for it, but I still managed to earn just shy of $7. I secretly wondered who was taking all of the better-paying HITS. Yes, One Family, I’m looking at you. Lol I’m going to try and be disciplined to do a few minutes every day this month to help offset some additional giving we want to do. As for the giving, well, let me expand a bit on that.
We have been struggling a bit with the churches in our area. We had attended one church (traditional Protestant) for about two years. Without going into too much detail, we, along with about half of the other members, left that church about a year or so ago. Interestingly, amongst other things, our reason was money related. No, they weren’t demanding our tithes or anything. That is something we gave freely. It is a long story. So then we started attending a non-denominational church. Again, I don’t want to go into a lot of detail, but it was also money related. For the time being, I am attending a weekly Bible study with some close friends and listening to sermons online. But this didn’t solve our desire to continue to give.
I know we all come from different walks of life, so please no judging. This is what we feel we are called to do. What we have decided to do is give random gifts to people/organizations. Last month we donated to Samaritan’s Purse Project Angel Child. This month we are supporting Angel Tree which provides presents to children who have an incarcerated parent. One of the ladies in my Bible study has gotten to know several of these families quite well as she and her husband deliver the presents directly to their homes. It isn’t for me to judge what put them in their situations, but hearing the stories, the struggles of these families are real. As a small group (there are only 6 of us in our Bible study) we have decided to go a step further and also provide some food baskets and also include the parent at home with a gift too. For us, it is all about sharing the love of Jesus.
Additionally, Hubs and I decided today to send a gift to the four-year-old grandson Hub’s sister and her husband, now has living with them. This is the same sister taking care of the 91-year-old mother. This poor child needs all the love he can get. It is an unplanned gift that we will make happen.
While when it comes to tithing or charity, I don’t believe in telling people what to do with their money. I would, however, suggest doing something this season. For that matter, doing something every month isn’t a bad idea either! Drop a few extra dollars in the Red Kettle or serve food at a homeless shelter. The feeling of giving back is truly a feeling like none other!
I don’t think anyone would pass judgement on where you choose to donate. It’s your money, your choice. I think unless we’re coerced by guilt then we all give to the places we’re called to give. I like your charitable choices, but my favorite organization the past few years has been The Salvation Army.
Hope you’re back to 100 percent soon!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…44 Gift Ideas for Minimalists
Thanks. We love the Salvation Army too! One of the many things we look at is where the money actually goes. The Salvation does an amazing job with the money they receive.
I completely agree with Priscilla – no one has any right to judge what charity your heart lies with!!!! We give the SPCA a certain amount every month and much, MUCH more when they have their bi-annual book sale 🙂 I also have a friend who is very involved with the homeless in her area with her church and we “adopt” a child every year to give gifts to – this year we have a set of sisters….1 middle school and 1 high school so ANY ideas of gifts would be appreciated…..I haven’t had teenagers in YEARS so have no clue what they would like. My ideas are socks, I knit each of them a washcloth with a nice smelling soap to go with it, a necklace each, and then probably gift cards for McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, and maybe somewhere else????? Kudos to your SIL – that is a LOT to take on – good for her!!!!
I think SPCA is a terrific cause too. All of our pets were rescued. So many fur babies needing forever homes. Two sisters, and teenagers at that! I’m inclined to think they’d enjoy things like soaps, nail polish, makeup, etc. My heart really goes out to kids like these girls. Sad situation and no fault of theirs.
One of the gifts requested by a teenage girl on our church Christmas tree was blankets – just an idea. As I typed this I wondered about a backpack – not knowing the situation, but someplace to keep their things.
As for giving I am considering where I give also. No decision made yet!
Jean, that is an excellent idea!
It wasn’t me M-Turking LOL! I wish it was, but I actually woke up this morning thinking to myself I really need to work on that some more! I do well for about a week, then drop off for a couple weeks. I did get an email invitation to do one about a week ago that paid $5 for about 20 minutes. I snagged that one up. I love the idea of giving to different people/organizations. That’s very thoughtful of you to think of the sister’s grandson. My mom and her boyfriend ended up leaving the church he had gone to for many years. So far (and due to his health) they have been enjoying watching a sermon on tv on Sunday mornings.
OneFamily recently posted…Elder care
Haha. I’m the same way with M-Turks. Perhaps we both need to set goals each month. Never know, it might help us both stay on track. The money really does add up.
I need to set some sort of goal. I tried daily goal of $3, but as soon as I skip a day, it turns into 10 days. Maybe monthly would be better for me
I find it easier. My goal for December is $50.
I was doing M-Turking at the beginning of the year and then kinda forgot about it. I never collected any of the money I made. I need to get back to that! I think the fact that you choose to give is wonderful. No one should judge you for caring about and helping others. It was a goal of mine to get better about doing that this year. I don’t feel I give enough. I have been giving to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Legal Aid, goodwill, my law school and Catholic Charities Christmas connection this year. The point is for all of us to help the less fortunate.
Unfortunately, I’m not always good about sticking with the M-Turking. Doesn’t always feel like much is being earned, but again, it does add up. As for being judged, I guess I was expecting some wet noodles for putting this as a priority even though we are still in debt. While I regret our debt, I’ve never once regretted our giving. Being able to give even more is the baby step I am looking forward to the most. Good for you for giving, too!
Angel Tree is wonderful! I chaired that in a church for several years. Hubs and I are not in a church at this time, and the reason really is money. When in a church, we feel that we really need to support it with our giving. After all, they have bills to pay–utilities, salaries etc. But we found that the churches we were in gave VERY little outside of the church. Yes, the pastor had a healthy retirement, but that was about it. We decided not to be in a church so that we can give freely to whomever we want, even if it is that person standing on the corner. Now we can bring loads of food to a food bank, give to the children’s dental fund at our county hospital, and other favorite charities.
Given how much money is referenced in the Bible, it is sad that so many churches don’t follow the teachings. I agree 100% with the need to support a church, but I don’t feel right about it if they are not practicing what they themselves preach. Like you, we will continue to give. But I like to give freely to whomever we choose.
Nice blog! I started a blog 6 months ago at 67 and am looking for blogs that I can learn from. I know it is hard work and often frustrating. I will give a good try even though I know I don’t have as much ‘time’.
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