The kiddo I care for is still sick. Initially, his mom felt he was on the mend and doing better. On Thursday, his symptoms worsened, so she took him to the emergency room. The poor little fella is now in the hospital, being treated for RSV and pneumonia. We are all tracing this back to the “snot-nosed kid” where his sister attends gymnastics.
Public Service Announcement: Please, please, please stay away from non-essential activities if you are sick! Going to gymnastics was not something that other kid had to attend. What might seem like a simple cold for one person can be life-threatening for another.
While I’m not thrilled about not working, the kiddo is where he needs to be. The most important thing is that he gets better. Sure is a crappy way to start the new year.
So what have I been doing with my unplanned time off? Other than finally getting my mail yesterday and a quick trip to our local post office, I’ve stayed home. Thanks to having informed delivery, I won’t bother going to get today’s mail. As for the rest, I’ve been doing some extra cleaning, binge-watching financial You-Tubers, reading blogs, and working on M-Turks. It is still quite slow on the M-Turk platform, which is a bummer with my increased time availability. I would love to find something else I can do to earn a little extra from home ~ home being the keyword. If any of you have any suggestions, I’m all ears!
Yes, if you are sick, please stay home, people! I was at the grocery store today and there was a lady carrying around a box of Kleenex-I made sure I stayed in front of her in case she was spreading those yucky germs!
Eeewww! Why do people need to do that? Especially nowadays, with so many stores offering curbside pickup, you really don’t even need to go into a grocery store. Another thing that REALLY irks me is to see someone cough into their hand and then proceed to touch things. All this does is spread those yucky germs. It is far better to cough into the crook of your arm.
Igh, yes, if you have any choice, keep sick kids home! So many parents don’t have that choice because they don’t have childcare and have to work, but for something like an extracurricular? KEEP THEM HOME.
Here’s hoping everyone recovers soon and is back in tiptop shape.
Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life recently posted…Good Things Friday (46)
I get when there isn’t a choice, but for other stuff, avoiding contact with others is the responsible thing to do. As of today, the kiddo is still in the hospital.