As much as I didn’t want to go, I went to the city to do a tiny bit of shopping. My primary reason was to pick up two prescriptions that I couldn’t get via mail order. Since I would be driving past the thrift store, I dropped off all the items I had gathered before starting my Too Much Stuff challenge, along with the three things I’ve since added.
Before going to the store, I made a small list of items I needed for a couple of recipes, plus I wanted some more FlatOut wraps for lunches. I love these flatbreads, plus they are healthier than most bread. The only other items I had on my list were carrots, celery, cheese, and diet 7-up. We seldom drink much pop/soda (depending on what part of the country you’re from!), but I like to keep some in the house in case of an upset stomach, etc. Hopefully, neither of us will need it as it wasn’t on sale. I won’t pay full price since pop/soda frequently goes on sale. I’ll be back in town next week for some lab work, so I can always stop back at the store then. Talk about being frugal, huh?!
The only extra thing I purchased was turkey. It was on sale, and it is my go-to lunch meat for my FlatOut wraps. I had $10 in pharmacy rewards plus two coupons to apply to my total. Not including my prescriptions of $3.90, I left the store paying a whopping $5.28. Not too shabby. Sticking to a list (well, almost!) is a real money saver!
I also stopped for gas ($33.14) as I noticed it was a few cents cheaper than at the station I usually go to closer to our house. Another bonus (at least for me) is that this station doesn’t require prepay. The last time I bought gas was two weeks ago, on Dec 24. With Hubs home for over a week during the holidays, we did do some extra driving. Hmm, I wonder if I can make this full tank last through the rest of January. It sure is a good thing I am very content staying home!
This shopping trip netted two $5 bills and two “G” dollars for my money-saving challenges.
I think I will keep a running list of items from my Too Much Stuff challenge. Since I want all this stuff out of our house, I’ll drop these off as they accumulate. Today I added serving bowls that matched the canister set from yesterday. Based on this post from Onyx Creative, these items screamed the 90s. Time to part ways!
- Travel mug
- Pitcher
- Canister set
- Serving bowl set
Seventy-one more items to reach my goal!
Does going through all my Christmas and gift wrapping paper, bags, bows, etc and throwing a bunch of old unneeded stuff out, count?While wrapping gfits for Christmas I actually thought I was almost out of Christmas paper and during the year I never could find anything for birthdays. I have lots of each, LOL.
It sure does count! Funny, but that is one of the things I did today! Good feeling to get rid of unneeded stuff!
Hello there! I enjoyed reading your recent post about your shopping day and how you managed to stick to your list, almost.
I appreciate how you provided an honest and relatable account of your shopping experience. It can be difficult to resist the temptation to deviate from a shopping list, but you were able to maintain your focus and only purchase items that were on your list, with the exception of a few small splurges.
Your post also highlighted the importance of being mindful of your spending and making intentional choices when it comes to shopping. It’s great to see that you’re committed to living within your means and making smart financial decisions.
I also appreciated your mention of the benefits of shopping locally and supporting small businesses. It’s important to consider the impact of our spending and to support businesses that align with our values.
Overall, your post provided a relatable and practical perspective on shopping and managing finances. Thank you for sharing your insights and tips for sticking to a shopping list.
Hi there,
I just read your post about your shopping day and wanted to say how relatable it was! I can definitely understand the struggle of trying to stick to a shopping list and not get sidetracked by all the tempting deals and products.
It’s great that you were able to stay focused for the most part and only deviated slightly from your list. I think it’s important to give yourself a little bit of wiggle room when it comes to shopping, especially when unexpected sales or deals come up.
I appreciate how you broke down your expenses and showed how much you saved by sticking to your list. It’s a good reminder of the benefits of planning ahead and being mindful of your spending.
Overall, your post was a fun and engaging read, and I