Choosing to look past the negative and focus on the positive.
September was a tough, tough month. Between the costly phone issues with Straight Talk (and then needing to buy a second phone), uber expensive vehicle repairs, balance transfer fees, $195 chimney cleaning/inspection, and finally my 11-month-old Mac crapping out, just keeping our heads above water was a challenge. So how did we do?
Honestly, I don’t exactly know and nor do I want to know!
Yes, you read that right. For the first time since embarking on this journey to get out of debt, I truly do not want to know! Why? The reason simply being is that I do not want or need that kind of negativity to get me down.
For the record, I have jotted down the numbers, but have not added them up. A quick eyeball of the numbers shows that the debt needle didn’t budge much. There were also debt name changes as balances moved to lower interest rates. Some went up; some went down. It was a month of hanging on for dear life!
Am I putting my head in the sand?
I don’t think so. I just know myself well enough that it is better for me to focus on the positive, rather than seeing a cringe-worthy number. As you can see under the progress tab, I do realize that not all months will be stellar. September is just one I don’t want to look back on!
The positives.
- The interest rates on our debts took a major plunge! We have one left to do, which will happen in the next week or so. While there have been fees associated with doing some of these transfers, I know this will pay off.
- I’ve been doing more with M-Turks. While it is far from a get rich quick job, it is something I can do from home until my seasonal job restarts next Spring. I earned over a $100 doing this VERY part-time in September. I figure this is money we wouldn’t otherwise have had.
- My Mac thankfully was still under warranty. Murphy’s Law says that problems like this usually tend to pop up after the warranty expires.
- I still have my same phone number and have a working phone. I had read on many complaint boards that Straight Talk wasn’t always very willing to release phone numbers. I am also thankful that doing a no-contract through AT&T did not mean an increase in the cost of having a cell phone.
- Hubby and I enjoyed some much needed, budget-friendly staycation time together.
- Our bills got paid, and our checking account remained in the positive.
- Last but certainly not least, WE SURVIVED a very tough month!
Will I ever do an official tally of our numbers for September? Perhaps. For now, though, I want to focus on the positives and look to the month ahead. I know September was a tough one for many of us battling debt. I pray that October gives us all a break.
No matter what the month may bring, don’t give up. I know I won’t!
It’s good to hear of another couple who enjoys a STAYcation now and then. I don’t have the travel bug, and a lot of people just don’t understand that. I don’t know how it happened, but I stumbled across a dear man (my husband) who doesn’t have the travel bug, either. We REALLY enjoy our staycations.
Here’s hoping your October will be smoother than your September!
I am very content at home or in taking day trips. I imagine this saves us a small fortune as well!
I am content as well to just stay home and hang out the few days a month DH is home. My only trips are to Indiana to see my Mom and those I treasure just as much.
Yes on the staying positive, when we have bad months, I am happy to have a roof, food, fuel in the cars.
That was how I looked at things. Much easier (and better!) to focus on the positive.
Yes, September was hard. I added more debt but it was necessary so that my daughter and her children will be safe. But finally it feels like things will be settled.
Rhitter94 recently posted…On a Pleasant Surprise
You did what you needed to do. Now you can once again focus on paying down debt. We can do this!
Yes , I agree September was a bit%^. I am surprised I made it at all. But I was able to save. I have worked very hard this month to try and correct all the break down problems. But you can’t give up because I need you in this with me. I too don’t look at the negative if it causes me stress. I don’t do well with discouragement. My life has been far too hard and yet I have to admit I am blessed.
September sure was! Congrats on still managing to save. That is awesome! No worries about me giving up. We are in this together. I need you too! I agree about being blessed. Despite the challenges of digging out of this mess, I know there are others who have it far worse.