My DH, ever the wise one.
So much for feeling like I secured my seasonal position. Yes, the job offer is still on the table. No, the terms are still not what they should be. I received an updated job description and after discussing it with my DH, I realize that the job has the makings of another season much like last year. I am so thankful for his wisdom. I tend to be a people pleaser, which as we all know, can be both good and bad.
The biggest issue with the position is that they want me on to be on call for three months of the Summer. During those months, I would not have hours except for the ones I am called in to work. No thanks. Putting my life on hold for three months is simply not going to happen. I would then return for the last 1-2 months of the season. Problem with that is I’m afraid of the billing mess I’d inherit. Again, no thanks.
Nothing is set in stone. I am certainly open for discussion. It will be a few weeks before I need to decide one way or the other. DH still feels I can make more money by expanding my business. I never wanted a job to be about the money. When you are trying to get out of debt, unfortunately there are times it has to be.
Have you ever taken on an extra job to help pay down debt?
I ended up taking 2 part time jobs to help with our debt and support my family. One was very minimal, just 2-3 hours a month and the other is a few hours a week. I still have that job, almost 8 years later. The monthly income is now the same as my monthly mortgage, so worth keeping 🙂
Thanks! That gives me hope that this job may still be worth doing.