Who has been awake since 4:30 AM? Me? Ugh. Hate nights like this.
It was a combination of my legs bothering me (RLS) and pain from a kink in my neck from the previous night. The RLS is something I’ve had for some 30 years. Unfortunately, it is a progressive disease and some nights are just worse than others.
The neck kinks, well, those could likely be remedied by replacing our mattress. If memory serves me correctly, we bought it in 2004. While it still looks great, it has become increasingly uncomfortable. Hubs complains about it every time he comes home. I know with all certainty that he would replace it today if I would agree to declare it an emergency. But I won’t! We first need to eliminate our debt. For future reference for when we do replace it, any idea of how much a decent King/CaliKing mattress costs these days?
After work yesterday, I picked up four prescriptions — two for the Hubs and two for me. Three of them were renewals, and a fourth was a refill. Our pharmacy still has a deal going where they give a $25 coupon for in-store purchases per each new Rx. On a refill, they offer $10. Right there I got $85. Making the deal even better is that you also earn $2/Rx with their rewards program. Once you fill five, you can cash out for another $10. And it got even sweeter.
We had a zero co-pay for two of the meds. The Rx I take for my RLS had a $16.09 co-pay for a 90 day supply, and my Synthroid had a co-pay of $37.11 for a 30 day supply. Before anyone suggests a generic, I tried it and felt awful. When checking out, the pharmacy tech asked me if I was a member of the “Before Breakfast Club.” I’d never heard of it. It is a savings card from the manufacturer which keeps the cost at $25 for a 30 day supply. Why hasn’t anyone asked me this before? I can use it in combination with our insurance. I am now signed up and going forward, this will save me $12.11 each month. The nice thing is that the entire $37.11 still counts towards our deductible. While I would never promote the need for medications, if you do need them, why not get the savings wherever you can!
Last night Hubs and I watched I Can Only Imagine, which was free on Amazon Prime. For those unfamiliar, it is based on the true story of Bart Millard, lead singer of the Christian group MercyMe. Excellent movie and one I’d highly recommend.
Yay for the Before Breakfast Club, every little savings counts. Our mattress is getting old, too. We’re also being stubborn about replacing it, but it’s on the list to-do for 2019. I hope you sleep better tonight!
When you do go to replace your mattress, fill me in on any suggestions. I’m always afraid we will buy one that ends up being no better than what we currently have ~ minus the sage. Lol
We got a Tuft and Needle mattress 2 years ago. It was a queen for $600 delivered. We love it. Had our original mattress before that so anything would have been better.
I’ll need to check them out. That isn’t a bad price!
I will be following your mattress journey. I wake up almost every day with a headache and hubby thinks it is our mattress. I have tried different pillows but no improvement with that. It is great that your hubby was home for a little bit to help with things. Reading about the way you have dealt with your setbacks is really inspiring to me to keep plugging away.
Your mattress could very well be the culprit for your headaches. I’ll be taking notes on the suggestions made. While we can’t justify replacing our mattress until our debt is gone, doing so will be on the top of our list.
Thank you for your kind words! We’ve had our fair share of setbacks, but I won’t give up! There is no other way to put it – being in debt sucks!
I bought a mattress for the first time in my adult life last December. I bought one through Zinus. I bought this one: https://www.zinus.com/collections/mattresses/products/pressure-relief-green-tea-mattress?variant=257829470216
IT IS SO COMFORTABLE. I never want to get out of it. I can’t feel it when another person is in bed with me or when the dogs are moving around. They ship to you so it is very convenient. You might also be able to get them on Amazon. If you shop through Swagbucks there are coupons and 2% cash back. I shopped through Top Cash Back and got 5% back. I highly recommend these mattresses!
I will check it out! It is good to get an idea of how much we might need to save once we are out of debt. Right now our bed is so uncomfortable that I can’t wait to get out! Lol
I was just going to bed about 4:30 – we should have “talked” 🙂 Seems like we are all having mattress issues – ours is even older than yours and is NOT, NOT, NOT comfortable, but with paying down the debt, it is just going to have to wait. I was planning on buying a new mattress topper to see if that would help, but then the cat had to go to the vet and there went that $250…..wat, wat, wahhhhhhh. What a great deal you got on the meds!!! We get ours through our health care provider for a small co-pay so no chance of going anywhere else and getting deals like that but trust me, I’m not complaining after the fiasco with Obamacare!!!!!
I wish I knew you were still awake! We will need to have a chat time for all of us who can’t sleep on account of our lousy mattresses! Lol
$250 for the cat? Poor kitty. Sounds serious. Oh, the things we do for our fur babies.
Obamacare was a fiasco for so many. Like most things, free gets passed on to the others who are paying. While we never had Obamacare, we now have a huge deductible that we never had before.
Our mattress is getting up there in age too. 2007. I was reading somewhere that is usually isn’t necessary to always replace the box springs when you replace the mattress. Unless they got broken through use, they should be ok to last longer. So, I may just consider trying to replace only our mattress (king) when the time comes. Good deals on the prescriptions!
OneFamily recently posted…and Monday rolls around again
Interesting about the box spring. We currently have a queen size but want to replace it with a king or (depending on price) a California king. Hubs is tall (6’5″) and he has always complained about his feet sticking out at the end of the bed. In our former home, we didn’t have room for a larger bed, so we always stuck with a queen. His complaints may also be that he spends far more time in hotels than he used to and always gets a room with a king size bed. lol
While saving up for 2 rwin mattresses as a single mother, I went to Home Depot. I got 6 12″x 6 ft long, 1/2 ” thick shelving boards to stick between the mattresses to firm them up. They lasted for 3 years till I could get new ones for the beds.
We did that with one of our mattresses. The board did wonders for firming up the sage. Thanks for the reminder!