It has been a wickedly restless night with my RLS. Some (actually many) nights are just that way for me. When Hubs isn’t home, I can usually distract the agony by watching TV while doing leg scissors. After an hour or so, I can often get back to sleep. Whenever Hubs is home, I leave the bedroom when my legs become too bothersome. Just because I can’t sleep doesn’t mean he shouldn’t. So, what quiet activity can I do until he wakes up?…Sit at my desk, bounce my legs and do some more blogging!
After seeing over 300 spam comments just from the past couple of days, I realize my blog is a bit of a hot mess. Then again, perhaps it always was, minus all the spam! I did skim through most of them. Some of the comments are, well, just gross. If, however, I missed and trashed any legit comments, I apologize. I think I’m going to need to go back to blogging 101. Please let me know if you have any recommendations on free or inexpensive tutorials (e-courses, e-books, youtube, etc.) or books I could get from the library. With now being unemployed, I have the time for learning!
I am still having trouble getting images to load on the site. I think it is likely my computer and not WordPress causing the issues. While we have the funds to purchase a new computer, I’m doing my best to avoid any additional outgo while we deal with settling MIL’s estate. The tablet Hubs has been using has also become mega slow, although we may replace that using a random reward he recently earned from his company. One of the things he can choose is a new tablet.
We had more snow during the night. From what I can tell, it looks like three inches or so. With no plans to go anywhere today, I may suggest waiting until tomorrow to clear it. Even if we did need to get out, our car could easily make it through the snow that fell. Snow for us is a bit like laundry and waiting until you have a full load to wash it. You know you’ll get more (daily for us on both accounts), so waiting for “a full load” is the most efficient way to deal with it! I might feel differently if we only had a small area to clear. For us, though, it is 2+ hours with the snowblower and shovel each time.
I hear Hubs starting to stir. I’m going to try and upload an image of our new workshop. Yesterday, I attached a picture of our sign at the bottom of the post. For now, with my site/computer woes, it might be a “one image at a time” thing.
Nice workshop. What’s the significance of “Alberta’ on the sign?
The name is a nod to my parents. When my dad visited us (my mom had already passed away), he kept saying over and over how much our area reminded him of Alberta and how much my mom would have liked it. They had spent a summer there in the 1950s. Since we used a large part of the inheritance received from my parents to buy the land with the cabin, we decided to call that piece of land Alberta.