Guess who didn’t make it home yesterday? Hubs. Guess who is still home? Me. So much for making plans. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had her own ideas, which included a nasty storm. I could see on the airline tracking that Hub’s flight was within 15 minutes of landing. Then just like that, it showed as being redirected. And so were my plans.
The earliest flight Hubs could get on is for later today. That’s the trouble with living in an area with so few flights coming in and out. Oh, and another thing. Good thing Hubs has corporate lodging available. The airline doesn’t cover hotel expenses when a delay is weather-related. Hubs also gets an extra travel day of pay, but we would have both preferred for him to have made it home as scheduled.
I had to do some reconfiguring of my plans and will now see my kids/grandkids on the last day rather than on the first. Thankfully, my hotel reservation was an easy switch.
Hubs has been texting about more delays with his flight. There was some issue with a door which resulted in switching planes altogether. I’m again watching the tracking, and it says they are on the runway ready to go. I sure hope so, and also that there is no issue with landing this time around!
I took advantage of being home all day and did some serious deep cleaning. It helped me take my mind off our dog (one week ago today, sigh) and these redirected plans.
Today I received the statement for our Citi card. The minimum payment is now down to $25. No thanks. At that small amount, it would never get paid off! For now, I’ve scheduled a $100 payment for Monday. The balance will then be down to $1,100. Once I return from my mini trip, I’ll scrutinize our accounts/budget and see how much more we can pay off. If at all possible, I’d still like it gone before May rolls around.
Well, I still need to pack so I’d best get to that. Fortunately, I’ll only be gone a few days, so I don’t really need much.
Have a safe trip.
Thank you!
Sorry about the flight delay. But yay that he’ll be home soon. I hope you have a safe and nice trip!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…One Sentence Reviews: My 1st Quarter 2019 Reads
Thank you. He made it home and I have the car packed and ready to go. I think this trip will do me some good.
I hope your trip goes well and helps keep your mind occupied
Thanks. I just wrote about it.