Are the gauges on a propane tank like the gas gauge in a car? After seeing how much propane we needed, I have learned that apparently, they are! It is true. Just because the needle says you have 55%, doesn’t mean you actually do. I feel almost as if the gauges lied to me and it let me down. When it comes to the cash that is now rapidly departing our checking account, I think I have every right to feel this way!
The damage? $590.10! Oh, but it gets better. We also owe $25.44 for renting our tanks. I discovered that little tidbit after going online to recheck that the paper ticket left wasn’t a misprint! Sigh. It wasn’t. 436.8 gallons was indeed what it took to get our tanks to 80%. In addition to the $1.29 per gallon, were taxes of $22.70. A statement for these not so lovely items will arrive in the mail, and then we will have 30 days in which to pay.
As one who prefers to look at the positive (and in a case like this, the challenge is real!) the topping off of the tanks was indeed still a good thing. The probability of me preferring to think we had enough propane and turning a blind eye was very likely, especially when it would come down to traipsing through several feet of snow to look!
I also learned just how well hidden our tanks are! The delivery man had to knock on our door and ask where to locate them. Keep in mind that these are two 1,000 gallon tanks, with ugly peeling baby blue paint jobs! Not exactly the easiest thing to disguise or hide from view! The former owner of our home disliked them so much that he had them moved far away from the house and hid them deep in the woods. I’m sure that cost him a pretty penny. As for the ugly paint job, since we don’t own the tanks, we don’t get a color choice or decide when they should be repainted. They are what they are…ugly!
Regarding the “bonus balance” of $25.44, renting two tanks for that amount is a bargain compared to the $75/year for one tank that we used to pay. My first thought was that the rental was for perhaps only a month or only one tank. Nope. It is indeed for both and for an entire year. I best pay that bill quickly before they change their minds!
Our debt snowball has rapidly melted. Thankfully since we had one, this underbudgeted expense won’t leave us digging for a credit card. We will pay the bill and look at it as a victory in that we were able to do so.
I know it is early in the month, but how are things going for you so far?
Still a very proactive item checked off the list, the coffers will refill but you will be toasty warm at a bargain price. I’m wondering about getting a cord of wood delivered but haven’t figured out the where and how yet.
I’m thankful to check it off our list, despite the cost. As for wood, check Craigs list or the classified section of your paper. We heat primarily with wood which saves us a lot of $. Had we not run out last February, we wouldn’t have gone through near as much propane.
Something like this seems to happen every month. Sigh. For us this month, it’s school supplies. I mean, how many binders does one kid need?!?
Glad the propane situation is resolved, but boo to those unexpected expenses!
The 76K Project recently posted…July In Review: A Solid 9 Out Of 10
You aren’t kidding there! I’m hoping once we are debt free, it won’t hurt quite so bad! Good luck with the school supplies. It seems like the schools are requiring more and more items that families need to provide.
This should make you feel real good, our tank rental is $76 year for 100 gallon tank(small compared to yours). Plus, we pay $2.79-2.99 per Gallon. Never are there ANY discounts in the summer. I would LOVE your cheap prices!
OUCH! You really do get slammed with the price per gallon. 🙁
I think you did the right thing and will be happy this winter that you did this. Keep plugging.
Thanks, Chirs! I think it was smart too! And we will keep plugging away!
As a city dweller, Propane power is not something I’m familiar with. Out of curiosity, how long will a tank at 80% last you?
Investment Hunting recently posted…July Dividend and Options Income
Providing we don’t run out of wood to heat the house (we shouldn’t), this *could* last us over a year. We try to use our furnace primarily as a backup or to take the initial chill out of the air in the morning. Our stove and hot water are also fueled with propane. Thanks for your inquiry and comment.
Our 500 gallon tank rental is $75 a month (I wonder how much it costs to purchase a tank?). Thankfully we have no tax
OneFamily recently posted…A uneventful week, so far
A month? Wow, that is very expensive! You might be cheaper to buy a tank. Here if you own your own tank you can shop any of the propane companies and usually get a lower price. With renting, we lose the option of shopping around for the best price.