I’m back at it today with my random thoughts. This post will more or less be a continuation from yesterday’s post. I do plan on working later on, but since it is for my own business, I’m setting the hours! Shamefully, I’ve done very little over the past month in this area. A combination of the weather and not being able to get up and down my driveway set me back with sending in inventory.
Yesterday I took care of the kiddo for 5+ hours. They’ve asked me to work the same schedule next week. The other caregiver (the grandmother), still can’t do much lifting. Until she can, I’ll be getting the additional hours.
My job caring for the kiddo was supposed to end after cold/flu season. At that point, the plan was for the lady that cares for his sister to take both kids. The family has since indicated (on several occasions) that until he is off his G-J tube, they want to keep me around. How long that could be is impossible to predict. Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy the job as long as it lasts. I can still use some very basic nursing skills, but no longer have the high stress that came with caring for kids on vents.
There is yet another perk to my job. Since lately the kiddo is napping better, I’ve been watching/listening to a ton of business-related videos on You-Tube. Yes, the family knows. They were the ones to initially offer me the use of their tablet, although I opt to bring my own. I’m still right beside him and only use one earbud. I’m loving nap time. Lol
Good grief, this post is becoming far more about my taking care of the kiddo than I intended. Told you it was random thoughts! From a purely financial level, thinking back, I had hoped the job would last at least until we could pay off Citi. For his sake, I want him to advance to no longer need my care, but again speaking purely financial, I am now hoping also to get another debt paid off. And that would be the furnace.
I am looking ahead at what we should target next and right now, I am leaning towards it being the furnace. While doing so doesn’t make mathematical sense with this debt being at 0% interest (balance of $5,900) and the Visa at a fixed 5.99% (balance of $7,942), the expiring rate is what concerns me. No, I don’t want to keep it around until the end of the year either. It needs to be gone long before then!
I also realize I need to step up my game if we are to get it all paid off before 2020 rolls around. I’d include Hubs, but he is already doing everything he can. Why do I suddenly feel in the position of “You’re it?” Lol Since I hate to lose, I intend to show our debt just who is the boss. While we were dealt a crappy hand this first quarter, it doesn’t mean we need to keep it. We can still finish strong.
Entirely unrelated to paying off debt, my sister and brother-in-law are in the Netherlands this week. They took our 91-year-old father for what will likely be his last trip to his homeland. My dad still has two brothers, and my mom has a sister there. Physically, my dad is in excellent shape (even walks entirely unassisted!) but it is his mind that is going. From the text messages and pictures I’ve received, they are having a wonderful time. It is good to see him happy, especially given the difficult adjustment my dad had with moving into assisted living earlier this year.
Well, I have business inventory to tend to. After working yesterday, I took advantage of an additional 30% off at Kohls, spending $160+ on clearance items. Also earned $30 in Kohls cash along with more Yes2You rewards. Love the thrill of the hunt, plus the income it brings!
How nice that your dad gets one more trip. And how sad for his mind. I can relate. My father lost his cognitive abilities before his body deteriorated. It’s tough to watch.
I know what you mean about the “you’re it!” feeling.:-) I think I’m in the same boat.
Have a fabulous week!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…Getting in the Zone
Priscilla, I have NO idea of how your comment ended up in my spam folder! I was wondering where you’d been!
Sad to watch people grow old. 🙁 Life isn’t always fair, that’s for sure!
There so no doubt in my mind you will get that paid off by 2020!!!! I’m hoping to join you but have to be ok if it doesn’t happen by the end of this year – it WILL happen!!!
Thanks for your vote of confidence! I truly believe a lot of it is in the mindset. You can do it too!
That is so neat they were able to take your father on that trip. So, do you buy the Kohl’s clearance stuff to sell on Amazon?
I’m very happy they made the trip. Helps my sister and BIL too with having an interpreter. Lol Growing up, we learned a fair amount of Dutch, but none of us are proficient in the language.
Selling the items on Amazon is exactly what I will do. When I first started the business, I was amazed at what people would pay for items. I guess not everyone is looking for a bargain. The software I use for my inventory shows my potential profit being over $300. Not bad for a few hours of work.
That’s a nice profit. Does Amazon just take a percentage of your sales, like ebay does? Sometimes I am amazed to see stuff on Amazon or Ebay that is more than I would pay in a store and think to myself – people actually pay these prices? LOL
OneFamily recently posted…Sunday for a few more hours
Amazon doesn’t have a flat % per item. The fee can vary depending on category and even selling price. Then there is the subscription fee plus storage fees to consider. Whenever I buy an item,on average I figure a third will go towards the actual cost of the item, a third will go to Amazon, and the remaining third is my profit. Some items will earn more return on investment, and others less. Not too long ago I purchased a cart full of sanitary products marked down to 74 cents each. I was able to sell them for $8 each and profited a few pennies shy of $4 each.