Woohoo. In today’s mail, we received a refund for overpayment of our property taxes in 2018. I can’t quite figure out how they came to the amount, but the check was for $283.68. I’m sure that we saved even more than that for this year by getting the taxes lowered. Going to the tribunal will help with future years too as there is a cap as to how much they can raise the taxes. As for the check, it is probably an easy guess as to what we are going to do with the money!
You guessed it. The Visa will get an extra $300! I figured since it was so close to that amount, I’d keep my math simple and round up. I wasted no time getting the check deposited and now have yet another $300 scheduled for tomorrow. I’m pinching myself that as of tomorrow, we will be below $4k — $ 3,900 to be more precise.
I still intend to pay the planned $300 for next week. I’ll likely wait until the close of the billing cycle and then will also take care of any interest we accrued. I dislike that pesky interest messing with my even numbers. Haha.
The one thing I’ve noticed with every debt we paid off is that the closer we got to doing so, the harder I want to push. With the Visa being our last (other than our mortgage) I feel an even greater sense of motivation. We are getting so close! The end of Baby Step 2 is within sight!
WOO HOO – that is one nice snowball – I think $200 is worthy of being a snowball instead of a snowflake :). After my next payment our Visa should be very close to $2,000 – it WILL be gone by the end of the year if we all have to give up eating to do it!!!!
Oooooooh – I meant to put $300, I almost cheated you out of $100!!!!! My apologies!!!
No problem! As long as Visa gets the full $300, I’m happy!
I’d have to agree. $300 is a snowball rather than a snowflake! You are killing your Visa, too! Looking forward to not taking them with us into the new year!
I love when extra money comes in to help make it go faster. You are so close. Great job!
Thanks! Unexpected money is always a thrill! I’m pushing hard to get this paid off. Cannot wait to be debt-free (other than the mortgage)!
WOO HOO!!! That is so awesome! You are killing it girl!! I got an unexpected refund as well. I am super stocked about that. I put it towards debt as well. I am so close to getting the Discover Loan GONE! So freaking excited!
Thanks! I think we have both come a long way! Bites having to put unexpected money to debt, but at least it helps knock it out!