In light of several blogs that have recently seemingly disappeared, I am reposting this. I know that some of these disappearances are the result of the recent security breach of Equifax but others, who knows? I appreciate those who have given their readers a heads up. Yes, internet safety and privacy is a huge issue and one that must be taken seriously. But, while we must be careful with what we divulge, I also don’t want to live my life in fear of the what-ifs. That being said, please don’t leave me hanging!
A heartfelt message to all my fellow personal finance bloggers!
How many of you have ever watched a television series or read a book that leaves you hanging? I’m not talking about the ones that eventually return with a new season or a sequel; I’m talking about the ones that seem to vanish into thin air, never to be seen or heard from again. I’m sure most of us have.
As I have delved into the blogging world of personal finance, I have found myself getting drawn into the lives of the various writers. I find myself eager to read their next post about meeting a particular goal, saving more, spending less and even just stories of what is going on in their lives. No, I’m not some a Gladys Kravitz from the Bewitched sitcom of the 60s/70s wanting to poke my nose in where it doesn’t belong. I’m probably a lot like you….someone desperately trying to do whatever I can to get out of debt and reach my retirement goals once and for all.
One thing I have experienced in my financial quest is stumbling across a lot of very well written blogs that have left their readers hanging, wondering just what happened next. They are bloggers with often similar stories to mine. They are bloggers who have given me hope that I, too, can continue making progress in my own journey to financial freedom. So then, just what is my message? My message is to all you wonderful bloggers (I mean that!) who, like a television series or a book have invited me as your reader (and fellow blogger) into your life. Please don’t leave me hanging wondering what became of you!
While no, we don’t owe it to our readers to finish our stories, I think we should. I don’t feel we have the right to let readers into our lives without at least saying goodbye. For those who have, I am thankful! I do get where there are times when a person loses the desire to write, or perhaps they feel that they’ve come to an end of their story. I’m also certainly not pointing fingers because I’ve been guilty of doing the same thing myself. I honestly feel bad about having done so. Although I still own the domains, my old blogs are no longer searchable on the web. I can’t offer a guaranty that someday I’ll end this blog too. When and if that time comes, I will do my best to at least say goodbye. I won’t leave you hanging, wondering where I went or whether or not I did succeed in my quest to achieve financial freedom. That, I feel, is what we all owe our readers.
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There are a couple that I still wonder about and wonder how they are doing, especially when they blogged quite a bit and for so long and then just suddenly stopped.
Really seems a pity, plus it leaves their readers wondering whatever happened to them.
I have several blogs bookmarked that I still check on occasionally, despite no posts in over a year, or longer. They just left me hanging. I wonder about them all, wish they would check in!
Sad, isn't it! I do the same with continuing to check blogs…just hoping that they will eventually write again.
I love the blogs I read and now adding this to my list, I'm happy you won't keep me hanging!
Thankful to have you along for the ride and I will keep you updated on our journey! Do you have a blog? If so, please feel free to share it. If not, and you're interested in sharing your own journey, let me know! I love hearing about others becoming debt free!