If I ever needed a pause button for life, it has been this past month. There has been far too much of everything happening all at once. Today I’m going attempt to catch up. [Read more…]
Navigating life and finances
By: Lucy6 Comments
If I ever needed a pause button for life, it has been this past month. There has been far too much of everything happening all at once. Today I’m going attempt to catch up. [Read more…]
By: Lucy12 Comments
Not bad for a Monday!
Because sometimes we could all use a little motivation.
Week #5 is here! Last week I earned $53.88 via Amazon Mturks, bringing our savings to $178.59. [Read more…]
By: Lucy11 Comments
February and the first part of March are looking to full of doctor’s appointments and family visits. Hubs will be home later tonight. His flight arrives at 9 PM. Before going to the airport, I’ll stop and get the groceries we will need for the week. So far, I’m at $165 for the month. It sure seems a lot for just me, but that includes things like laundry soap, health & beauty, paper products, etc., so I guess that amount isn’t terrible. [Read more…]
By: Lucy2 Comments
Not bad for a Monday!
Because sometimes we could all use a little motivation.
Week 4 of Motivation Monday~I’m on a roll. Haha! Last week I had two deposits from money earned via Amazon Mturks. My total came to $30.70, bringing me to a total of $124.71 for the year. Only another $1,895.29 to go, and I’ll reach my goal of $2020. [Read more…]
By: Lucy3 Comments
A medical claim, shopping, and cat expenses~now that is quite a mix of things! I’ll start with the medical bill. [Read more…]
By: Lucy10 Comments
We hit our first goal of 2020! While I wish I could say it was the one about reducing the principal on our mortgage by $40,000, it isn’t. Give us time~we’re working on it! What we did hit was the goal I thought would be our last to reach, and that is increasing our 401K to 12%. Now with the company match of 3%, we are at 15%. [Read more…]
By: Lucy4 Comments
Not bad for a Monday!
Because sometimes we could all use a little motivation.
Week three of Motivational Monday is here! The past week was a bit off for me. Aside from working extra hours, I had several other things going on. Nothing serious, just life! Anyhow, I do want to stay on track with reporting my earnings. I also check in with any of you who are tracking various goals. [Read more…]
By: Lucy4 Comments
Not bad for a Monday!
Because sometimes we could all use a little motivation.
Week number two of Motivational Monday! I’m pleased to say that my MTurk earnings were far better than last week. Today I moved $57.58 from our checking to our remodel fund, bringing our new total to a nice even $60.00. With a goal of $2020, I *cough* only have $1960 more to go!
Although I’m only at $60, I like having this separate savings account. Seeing even this small amount saved towards our goal is encouraging. Sure, mathematically speaking, this money would be better off applied to our mortgage. But, by allowing myself to put MTurk earnings into this separate account, I also feel it motivates me to earn even more.
How are you doing with your extra earning goals for the year? Maybe a bit nosy, but who isn’t curious how much others are earning…and how they are going about it!
By: Lucy6 Comments
With having so many financial goals for 2020, I know this needs to be the year where every dime screams for mercy. Not to say that we were slackers since starting our debt-free journey a little over three years ago, I just feel that there is always room for improvement! For 2020 I am ramping up looking for ways to save, which includes spending as little as possible. [Read more…]
By: Lucy4 Comments
The kiddo was released from the hospital on Monday, so as of Tuesday, I was back to work. He is doing well, and yesterday even threw a temper tantrum over needing to be hooked up to his tube feed. It wasn’t easy, but I won the battle! Although next month he will turn three (by birth age), he still has a long way to go. [Read more…]