Because we don’t have $20,000 or even $2,000!
I am often amused shocked at what some interior designers consider to be average costs of decorating. According to Laurel over at Laurel Home, you cannot update a living room for $2,000 bucks. Her post goes on to show an update she did for a client costing over $20,000! Wow, what a bargain. No disrespect, but even if it were my taste, there is no way our budget could handle that kind of a price tag! Then there is Lorri, over at Lorri Dyner, who seems a tad more in touch, at least when it comes to the cheaper end of things! She gives examples of a budget redo of $2,000 to a high-end of $33,000. I get it; furniture does cost money, but does it have to cost that much? [Read more…]