Increasing hours and bigger checks!
Wow, it has been a busy week, and it is just going to keep getting more and more hectic. Hours are increasing with my seasonal position, and I’ve also been asked to work some extra hours at my part-time job. Topping it off is my personal business, although I do have control over the hours I spend doing that. I keep reminding myself that bigger checks mean we can pay down more debt!
My debt snowball goal for May was to knock out at least $1,000 worth of baby step 2 debt. From what I calculated yesterday, we are currently hovering at around $750. Next week will be a three check week for us, so I am feeling good about hitting that goal. We do have some additional expenses beyond our usual bills, but those will get cash flowed. I joke with my hubby that we’ve become quite good at doing that. Oh, how our ways have changed!
I’ve heard a rumor at my part-time job about a potential raise in the works. If it is true, I doubt it will be anything earth shattering. Last year we received a whopping $0.60 which for us very part-time employees doesn’t add up to too much, but a raise is still a raise. Fingers crossed that it materializes, no matter how small.
Another tidbit of info I heard was that my part-time job wants me to take longer to complete my work. Apparently, the gal that had the position before me took twice as long to complete the work. I never met the gal but heard she was much younger than me. Not picking on that generation but I think their work ethics are different than that of us older workers. Not sure if my bosses think I’m missing things or what. I’ve held the position for well over a year with zero complaints. I frequently set my own hours and am often there when others are not in the building. Guess I’ll start stretching out my hours. You would think they would like saving money on the payroll. Again, it just means more money for me, and more we can use towards paying off debt.
Need to head out to my seasonal job. While I’m doing a lot of the work from home, I still need to make an appearance from time to time. I owe I owe; it’s off to work I go!
Michelle says
Fingers crossed for you on the raise! Every little bit helps. It drives me crazy when people don’t like when I am too efficient at my job. You are fast and provide quality work, that should make people happy!
Lucy says
Thanks! I don’t get people either. The quality of my work won’t change by me taking more time, but their bank account will feel it.
OneFamily says
it sounds like you will be able to make a big dent in your debt with the seasonal work and extra hours. How strange that they want you to work slower, LOL, especially since you’ve been doing the job awhile now. I’ve had jobs in the past where I had co-workers doing the exact same job – twice as slow! Drove me nuts and I’d end up getting half their work to do, too, because they were so slow at it.
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Lucy says
I went to work today for a few hours. Drove me nuts to take so much extra time. My hunch is that it makes the “powers that be” look bad to have someone do much of the same work in half the time.
Patti says
I have had this issue as well more or less….I do things faster so they let people go and I just absorb the work but not the pay..I have taken on a total of 5 co workers tasks over the years (currently I am doing the work of 3) plus my own I think I should be getting their pay as well as mine. Oh well I usually get a 5% increase in July while everyone maxes out at 3% so that is reward in its self. Like you said, its all about the work ethic.
Lucy says
That bites that you don’t get extra pay for the work of so many. From working alongside my office manager, I know there is a lot of down time during the hours we are actually open. I would never suggest it, but I’m sure one of the regular office employees could easily manage to take on the work I do. Seems incredibly wasteful for them to be paying me to come in separate.