Our homeowner’s insurance adjuster has come and gone. He snapped a couple of pictures and said he couldn’t do much else until the snow is gone. No real surprise there. I have his business card and will call him in a few months. The next time he comes out, I’d like Hubs to be home. My impression of the adjuster is that he might give us some grief with the claim. I’m hoping I’m wrong.
Now with this visit behind me, I plan on finishing getting our taxes ready to send to our CPA. I meant to have this done a few weeks ago, and it just hasn’t happened.
I’ve done a lousy job updating our numbers this year. Rest assured, this doesn’t mean I’m not keeping track. I just haven’t blogged about it. So where do we stand, and how much have we paid off?
Citi: Started at $3,600 on January 1, 2019, and is now at $2,850
Visa: Started at $8,276.42 on January 1, 2019, and is now at $7,942.71
Furnace (new debt, sigh) started at $6,180 and is now at $6,055
Our numbers aren’t great, but given all the Murphy visits, I’m not surprised. At least I know it isn’t a result of careless spending.
I haven’t pulled money out of our savings yet but will need to do so soon. Our checking account is pathetically low, and I still need to pay a few bills. With doing a guesstimate of what our snow removal cost will be, I think we will end up with a balance of around $3,000. I’m trying not to pull out anything more than necessary.
As for the rest of March, I may hold off on doing any snowballing of debt until we know where we stand with our taxes. I’ll still make our payments when the statements arrive, so at least the amount we owe will go down some. Our CPA is awesome about getting our taxes completed within a week or two, so once I get them sent off, we will have our numbers reasonably soon.
Time for me to go and attack those taxes!
Yay for getting after those taxes! I always feel like something is hanging over my head until I get ours done. I hope the insurance works out your way.
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…Photoprompt Flash Fiction: Passover
Taxes are finally ready to go in tomorrows mail. Glad to have that monkey off my back! With all the tax changes, I have no idea what to expect. Cross that bridge when I come to it.
I think with everything that has been thrown at you lately you are doing AWESOME!!!! I’m amazed you have stuck to your plan and haven’t used it as an excuse to make bad choices!!!!! We are in this for the long haul and life is going to throw CRAP at us – we just have to be strong and move on!!!!!!
Thanks for your encouraging words, Sue. 2019 sure has been a test in resilience. No matter what, though, I refuse to cave. I know you’ve had a lot of punches thrown at you too. We will see this through and get it done!