How I felt seeing my Mac working again!
So good to have it back home where it belongs!
My Mac computer was returned to me today! I must say that I am impressed by Apple’s service. One of their techs called me yesterday and although they couldn’t duplicate the issue I originally had, they thought it was most likely an issue with the operating system. It was exactly one week ago today that my technology world felt like it came crashing down. Pretty impressive to have it sent out, worked on, and returned back to me in just one week. Now other than needing to update all my passwords, all seems to be well.
On the get-out-of-debt side of the things, I am only a few dollars shy of sending off $100 towards our lowest credit card. Yesterday I picked up a small check ($55.41) from my seasonal job, which is likely to be my last one for the year. Since it wasn’t budgeted for anything, the best thing to do with it is pay off debt. By adding a check of $9.77 received a few days ago and some M-Turk earnings, I’ll have $100 to transfer. As I wrote about in yesterday’s post, I am on a quest to pay off an interest-free credit card debt of $1,500. With the budget being much tighter right now, this will need to be done primarily with debt snowflakes.
Strange, but after dropping almost $2k last month to get our vehicles up and running, the target of $1,500 doesn’t seem like all that much. Yes, it is still a chunk of money, but it also feels easily within our grasp to knock it out. Perhaps it falls within the old saying of “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” sort of thing. Or perhaps I just overthink it! Lol. Either way, it does feel good to again have a definite target. And knowing that with it being at zero-percent interest EVERY dollar is going towards paying it off, well, that just makes it all the better!
Earlier today I checked our propane tanks. We have two 1,000 gallon tanks. One is at 75% and the other remains at 80%, which is the maximum capacity to allow for expansion. For the record, these unsightly tanks are nicely hidden in the woods. So much so that the last person to come fill them had to ask where they were located. The wood we had delivered remains untouched, that is, other than stacking it. Although I’ve already needed to use our woodstove, our Fall weather has been fairly mild. I’ve been able to nicely heat the house using only of kiln-dried scrap wood purchased for $5 (for a full pickup load) from a local hardwood floor manufacturing company. We bought two loads, so this is making for inexpensive heat. Fingers crossed that we won’t need to touch our “real” wood for several more weeks. It wouldn’t bother me in the least to have leftover wood for next year!
Tonight I have Bible study. I missed last week on account of the horrendous 6+ hours I spent on the phone with Straight Talk and then Apple. I can’t remember the last time I felt so mentally drained. Anyhow, I’m eager to meet with my small group and get back into the Word. Time to make supper and get moving.
I’m glad you got your computer back. Kudos for the 100 dollars toward your credit card! I can’t believe you’re already having to heat the house. It was sorta HOT here today in Virginia, 80. Hope your Bible study group was good. Hey, I’m on your blogroll! I’m so honored, thanks.:-)
I had enough funds to schedule the payment for tomorrow! Woohoo! Not a huge amount, but I know it all adds up! We were at a whopping 41 degrees this morning. Brrr. Enjoy your warm weather in Virginia. I have family there and we often compare notes about temperatures. Happy to have you on my blogroll. You write an excellent blog.
$100 is $100….meaning no matter how small, it’s something and a step forward.
We use to heat with wood/woodstove at our last house. Having leftover wood is always a blessing! lolz
Sluggy recently posted…Income & Spending Report…..September Update
That is the way I look at it. We are going in the right direction. Fingers crossed for a mild winter. I do love the warmer heat of a woodstove.
I know what you mean about getting your computer back. I am so lost without mine and pine and pine until it is back! $100 extra is AMAZING! All those payments no matter how small go toward a very worthwhile goal – you are rocking it girl!
Pining is what I was doing without my pc. While I was thankful to have my work pc, I do prefer my mac. I’m excited to knock this debt out and will keep chipping away at it. When the dust (in more ways than one!) settles at your new place, I’ll be eager to have you join me in this quest to get debt free. Understandably, you have much more to think about right now.
Those extra payments are so key to paying off debt. $100 is a wonderful extra step towards debt freedom! I can’t believe it’s so cool where you are. It’s hot and humid down here in Florida.
We don’t see too much hot weather here. Mostly high 70s and low 80s in the Summer. Every now and then it will even dip into the 60s. Fortunately, I am more of a cooler weather person. I lived in Florida during my Navy days. Way too hot for me, although not dealing with snow was nice!
When I first read the title to this post I was on my phone standing in my kitchen making dinner last night. It was really tiny in the side part of my blog. I thought it said “I got my man back” LOL! I’m sure you are just as excited to get your MAC back, haha! We are getting chilly here too but DH is adamant he’s not turning up the heat yet. We probably will have to by next week.
OneFamily recently posted…September extra money update and helping mom again
Haha, that is funny! I’m always equally as excited when he returns home, too! If not for our woodstove, I’d be in your husband’s camp with not wanting to turn on the furnace. Save wherever we can. This morning we were only at 41 degrees (the house was still at 63), so a bit chilly for me.
Having the same chilliness here in CO. I’ve had the heat in but set at 63°, mostly because with DH living on an ice pack (2 weeks post knee replacement) he was cold.
My work laptop got hacked on Tuesday afternoon and even though I had it back from our IT dept yesterday before I left on a work trip, it took them another 6 hours remotely to get my basic programs and all my documents/files loaded back on.
Great job on finding the snowflakes! One of my best snowflake idea has been that anytime I get reimbursed for something that automatically went as a snowflake. It’s already been out of my account so I didn’t feel that I needed it and it could be snowflake. Many times I have to buy something for mother-in-law and when she reimburses me it would go right to snowflake, now it goes right to savings.
Hope your hubby is doing well after his surgery. I think needing to use an ice pack makes your entire body feel cold. Keep him happy with the heat as I’m sure he already feels bad enough!
What did we ever do before the days of technology? Good that your IT dept was able to get you back up and running.
That is a good idea about the snowflakes. I can’t wait until I can save them rather than send them to debt Someday!