Murphy strikes again. Ugh. Today my car wouldn’t start. Great, just peachy. I guess Murphy didn’t get the memo that we won’t quit. Hmm. Given that our temperature was negative 27, perhaps it is Mother Nature who deserves the stink eye.
Negative 27. You read that right, and that didn’t account for the windchill. Now I didn’t personally see that temperature reading, but that is what a friend of ours claimed it to be. From what I saw on the news though, she likely wasn’t too far off. All I know is that my car wanted nothing to do with the extreme cold. Took me three separate attempts, a few hours apart, plus a whole lot of sputtering (from both parties involved), before she begrudgingly turned over. Alas, it was too late to save the day.
Whether it was Murphy or Mother Nature, or perhaps they were just in cahoots (paranoid much?), I had no choice but to call off for work. Fortunately, the family was extremely understanding. Things happen. I did offer to come over still and watch the kiddo, but at that point, they were okay. The mom asked if I could cover some hours tomorrow (I can’t) but that, too, was okay with them. Thankfully, my knight in shining armor (aka Hubs) will be arriving tomorrow. Hope he brings a horse. He may need it to get home if our car doesn’t start again.
As for our dying furnace, up until this point it has put forth a courageous final fight and remained strong through this wicked cold spell. I say “up until this point” as I just went to check the basement zone and didn’t see the pretty series of lights indicating it was functioning. Upon recheck, it is working. Phew. I know I need to be patient with it. The furnace being 30 years old, I shouldn’t expect it to react like the days when it was a young whippersnapper. In people’s age, I’m guessing the furnace to be 90ish. Must have come from a good gene pool to last as long as it has.
Hubs has his birthday this next week. I already have his gifts, but need to hurry up and finish reading one of them. In my own defense, I’ve been paying meticulous attention with keeping the pages crisp. Trust me; he won’t know that it is semi-used. Lol The other gift is even more frugal as it is something I received at Christmas for taking care of the baby. It is an item we can both enjoy. On the off chance that he is super bored and decides to read this post, I’ll keep it a secret for now. Hey, when you are deep in debt, isn’t it the thought that ultimately counts? You don’t need to answer that!
I’m not sure how much time I’ll have for blogging this upcoming week with Hubs being home, but I’ll check in when I can. I know one thing I do plan on doing is have Hubs leave his suitcase outside the door. Perhaps knowing he is back home will encourage Murphy to go away! Any takers? I didn’t think so!
Brrr, that’s cold! Happy birthday to Hubs.:-) And I certainly hope your car will start tomorrow.
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…Creating an Author Platform
Way too cold for me, and I usually prefer cooler temps! Thanks for the birthday wishes for Hubs. Fingers crossed for the car starting. It certainly has been a week.
Ha – I was just complaining it was too hot today – 60’s, but I’m not sure I want it THAT cold :). It just seems like it is always something, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, the car KNOWS better than to not start if you have to pick up the hubby!!!!!!
You enjoy that 60-degree temperature! That is pretty near perfect weather. Lol And yes, my car had better start!
I’m new to your blog, Lucy, where do you live? Good Lord, that is cold weather! I was disappointed our temps will go down as low as 24 degrees this week.
I’m not sure I would start with that low of temp. lol.
Hopefully you will be able to enjoy the week despite the weather!
Best, Sharon
24 degrees would feel like a heat wave! I don’t mind the cold, but do prefer positive numbers. We are way up in Michigan’s Upper Penisula. Thanks for reading!
That is REALLY cold. Oh man. So sorry to hear about the car… That’s been my experience, too: when it rains, it monsoons.
The $76K Project recently posted…Winning, January 2019 Edition: Jobs, Self-Care, Goals
It sure does. Thankfully the car did start so I could go get Hubs from the airport.
Dang – that is cold! we’ve actually been getting up in the low 40’s the past couple of days. I hope it’s nothing serious with your car. Murphy needs to move on down the road.
Want to trade weather? Lol I’m pretty sure it was the batter. Just too cold for it to want to do anything.
Oh my goodness! I am getting caught up on blogs today and I am so sorry for your troubles! Murphy needs to move on down the road. I will be blogging about our winter with a temperamental furnace.
Yes, Murphy really does need to move on down the road! Please share your blog!