Not enough hours in the day is how I’ve been feeling lately. I’ve been working a lot more hours than usual. No doubt this is a good thing while digging out of debt!
Sadly, many of these hours came about quite unexpectedly. About two weeks ago I received a call from the son of the 80+-year-old secretary wanting to know if I could cover things in the office. His mom was in the process of being admitted to the hospital. According to the son, his mom is 84 and testing showed she was full of cancer. Things are not looking good. I’ve heard reports of her having less than a year to live. Meanwhile, we are scrambling here at the office. This woman has been the only Monday-Friday employee on the books, often working solo. While we are trying to figure things out, I’ve been working a lot more hours and am looking at working about four days a week.
The preemie’s mom has also been calling me to cover more hours. I’ve been squeezing them in as I can, but my office job is still my priority as I know at some point the family won’t need a nurse to care for him.
The past two years I have also worked a seasonal job as a camp registrar/fill-in nurse. This year I have opted not to reapply. Along with being much busier in the office and with the preemie, I also didn’t like the new job description. It went from being a full-time job to a part-time (entirely unreasonable) and is again salaried. Nope, did that my first year and it turned out to be a complete time suck.
Hubs likes to refer to my jobs as having multiple sources of income. Somehow I manage to juggle it all. There are times though that I can’t help but wonder how it would be to go back to just one job! I have zero desire to go back to working a high-acuity nursing position, so in all reality, my current mix feels like a good fit.
Meanwhile, I’ll keep plugging away…A Dime at a Time!
I guess having multiple jobs keeps you from being bored, but I’m sure it also keeps you running around hither and thither! So sorry to hear about your office mate’s cancer. Ugh.
PRISCILLA recently posted…A Minimalist’s Meal Plan
Bored I am not! Lol I do like the variety.
I’m so sorry about the secretary in your office – I’m wishing her much peace and hope they can make her as comfortable as possible. I used to work as the health assistant in an elementary school part-time and as the clerk part-time – the health assistant job was MUCH busier – you were hopping all the time and that isn’t even CLOSE to what a nurse does!!!
Thanks. The one good thing about being busy is time at work does go by quickly!
Hopefully all of your hard work will help pay off the beast.
This is the plan!
Oh no… so sorry to hear about your office mate. Prayers for peace and comfort for her family. Prayers for strength and wisdom for you. Hang in there my dear friend. If you need anything, you know where to find us.
Rhitter recently posted…On Budget Meeting – June 2018
Thanks, Rhitter!
Sounds like you have been busy! Sorry about your co-worker, though I cannot imagine being 84 and still working Mon-Fri! Seems like, at her advanced age, the office should have been taking some steps to prepare for something like this. I don’t blame you for passing on the summer camp job.
OneFamily recently posted…It’s Friday!!
Crazy, isn’t it? We’ve all been saying this, yet no one seemed to want to step on her toes when it came to learning everything she does. She was always a very private person, and this included things she did on the job.
I’m so sorry to hear about the secretary, I hope for only the best for her. I’m glad you have been able to manage so many extra hours, debt payoff willcome so much faster!!!
Thank you! I feel terrible for the way the hours came about, but am thankful for the extra $ it will bring.