I am thrilled to report that our driveway work is complete! It looks fantastic, and best of all, we will now be able to get up and down it without any difficulty…well, except perhaps during snowy, icy weather! Can’t say that I’m too concerned with that though, as the snow and ice have always melted quickly on the hill. My hunch is that with the recycled asphalt, it will melt all the quicker. The three culverts were already put to the test last night with heavy rains. Thankfully, no signs of a ravine! Not that I wanted to spend extra money, especially at this point of our debt free journey, but it was necessary. For that, I feel it was money well spent.
In my last post, I said that our Visa wouldn’t likely see any additional change for July. That has now changed in that the monthly statement arrived. With that, I decided to use part of our funds to take care of that payment. After accounting for the interest, the amount I paid reduced the principle by $140.83, bring it down to $9,023..98. That bill wasn’t actually due until August 22, but I feel by paying it now, I have a little more breathing room. I guess it’s safe to say I have a neverending fear of not having enough money to cover our monthly obligations! Anytime I can get ahead; I like to take it!
So now with our debt reduced by $140, that leaves us another $635 to reach our yearly goal of $18K. I scheduled $650 to be paid to The Beast (aka Discover) next Tuesday, which is the last day of the month! While I can still change it, unless something drastic happens, I won’t! I’m still pinching myself that we are only a few days away from reaching our 2018 goal of reducing our debt by $18K a full four months ahead of schedule! Wowza!
Yesterday I had one of my prescriptions transferred to a new store that recently opened up. They were offering a deal of receiving a coupon for $25 for in-store use for doing so. I had already done this with another one of my meds when the store first opened up. I’ll use the $25 to help the grocery budget. Ah, the little things!
I feel like I’m slowly getting into the routine of working six days a week. Not fun, but the bigger check is making a difference in our finances. I also tell myself that this won’t be forever as the baby I care for on Saturdays is growing up. I must admit I do enjoy the change of pace doing patient care. I also like getting a weekly check for doing so!

One of the culverts. I promise. It is in there!

Looking down the driveway
Wowza! How amazing to meet your yearly goal at the end of July. So excited for you. Can’t wait to see where you will end the year. You are doing such an amazing job!!!!!!
Thank you! I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around it!
The driveway looks great I’m so glad the culverts passed the rain test, yay!
PRISCILLA recently posted…10 Totally Free Ways to Share Kindness
Thanks. At a (much) later time, we may do the rest. For now, we focused on what was critical.
It’s never fun to spend money on stuff like driveways, but oh so necessary!!! You’ll be very thankful this winter!!! You are just doing amazing – it keeps me motivated to keep going although it truly does seem like an endless battle sometimes!!!
I wish it could have waited, but having lost so much gravel over the three years we’ve lived here, it just had to be done. Band-aid fixes were no longer cutting it. I’m glad I am helping you stay motivated. I cannot wait until all of us on this journey crossover the finish line! I’m rooting for you!
awesome on the driveway! I’m sure working 6 days a week is an adjustment and tiring. Hopefully you won’t have to do it too long.
OneFamily recently posted…Some good bits
Thanks. I guess I’m a bit strange being excited about a driveway. Lol While I still prefer gravel, it just didn’t work with the hill being so steep. Six days a week sucks, but at least it won’t be forever.
What a fantastic testament to perseverance and accountability! You rocked it!
Thank you! We WILL see this through, no matter what comes our way!
Congratulations on your driveway and on being so close to making your goal!! Truly inspirational and shows that hard work does pay off!!
Thank you! We will keep working at it until our debt is all paid off!
That is so wonderful that you already hit your yearly goal. Keep going! The driveway looks great. You were able to do it and get your debt down. You are killing that beast. Great job. We are getting our driveway redone at the end of August. It has been on hold the last 3 years so we can’t wait for it to be done. We are paying cash of course.
We are doing the Snoopy dance for hitting it four months early! Good for you for holding off on doing your driveway until you can pay cash. We would have been parking on top of our hill if we hadn’t figured out a way to cash flow ours. The driveway feels all the smoother without a payment! Lol