What’s happening in the world of A Dime at a Time?
I am feeling a bit weary right now. No, it isn’t family related. Things in that area are pretty much status quo. The state of my current mood is more related to our debt. I get like this from time to time. I’m pretty sure that most of us do. The battle to get out of debt isn’t for the weak, and it sure can be challenging to remain strong!
The past few days I have found myself scrutinizing the numbers (yes, even more so than usual!), trying to figure out just how to move the needle faster. To say that I want this debt gone NOW is an understatement! Oh, if only there were a magic wand that could make it happen. Then again, I’m not so sure I’d even want to use one if one did even exist. You see, I know Hubs and I put ourselves in this situation, and WE need to be the ones to dig ourselves out from under it. This journey is teaching us several things. The biggest is that having debt sucks and we NEVER EVER want to see another debt payment for the rest of our lives! Not too far down from that lesson is that we can live within a budget. Strange as it may sound, having a budget is freeing in and of itself. Yes, Hubs and I are learning a lot!
So then, what to do about my weariness? Thankfully it hasn’t made me go off the deep end by doing more stupid with our finances. It is in times like these that I look for encouragement from others who have succeeded in getting debt free. Dave Ramsey’s debt-free screams are often my go-to. Others have won their war, and I know Hubs and I can too.
Until this passes, I will focus on how far we have come rather than how far we still have to go. Our hard work is paying off, and we have the numbers to show for it!
I also look for others who are on the same journey. I feel a sense of others reaching out and telling me to keep going. The finish line IS getting closer. We can do this! Don’t give up! Keep going! And keep going is what I will do!
Today I will pull myself out of this mood and do what I CAN do to make a difference. I’ll remind myself that the little things do add up. Going to the grocery store and staying within budget will be a win! Even earning a little extra via M-Turks will be a win! Working on my business…yep, another win!
The battle against debt is not one for the weak, but we can (and will) prevail! What helps keep you strong when you are feeling down?
Reading a good self-help book helps me to remedy a down mood. You two have this! This too shall pass.
Jane | Jane has debt recently posted…April Debt Recap [-79,309]
Thank you! Yes, I have several books that I could (and probably should!) reread! LIke you said, this too shall pass.
maybe instead of focusing more on it, maybe take a tiny break with a small treat of something you enjoy. Doesn’t have to cost money – just something you enjoy to get your mind in a happy spot and a little uplift:) A visit to a nice park with the dogs (that is if your snow is gone!) or watch a funny movie. Call an old friend you haven’t chatted with in a long time. Getting out of debt (and even staying out of debt) can get monotonous sometimes. You’ve done so well.
OneFamily recently posted…Tuesday this and that
A short trip to the park is exactly what I did do. On my way home from the store, I stopped at the state park. It isn’t yet open (for the camping crowd) but it was nice to see another part of the lake.
Picking a category in our budget and trying to beat it lifts my financial spirits. This week it’s trying to beat 119 dollars for our weekly grocery shopping trip for the two of us plus our dog and cats. I’m already thinking up filling but inexpensive meals! I know, a weekly grocery trip is not a big thing, but celebrating small victories helps.
I like this idea! I’ve always enjoyed a good challenge!
I think we all get in that state of mind sometimes, I know I do!!! It is hard to pull yourself out of it sometimes but I find reading blogs like yours really help keep me motivated and wanting to do this for US….not just dh & I, but US, all of us blog readers. You guys, even though I don’t have my own blog, are my accountability partners and I don’t want to let you down!!!!
You are right. We do all get this way from time to time. Like you, I want us ALL to succeed. And I know we will!
What’s the saying-don’t compare your beginnings to someone eases ends (or is it middle)? Just think if you jumped a year back and saw your today’s finances. You woudl say that person is sure doing great in their progress. Keep at it-you are winning.
What a great perspective! Compared to where we were a year ago, all I can say is WOW!
I remember those times well. Look at your starting debt amount and look at what you have left. You are doing amazing. You didn’t get into debt over night and you can’t get out of it either. It takes time and patience. The patience part is hard. Do you have a chart where you can cross off every $100 you pay off. It is amazing to watch those little boxes get crossed off. I have heard of a family that made a paper chain of their debt. They had it all over the house when they started and they took a chain off every time they paid off $100. Decide what works for you. have some fun with it. You will look back and be amazed how fast you really did pay it off.
Thanks for your encouraging words. You are right on all accounts. Back when we were paying off American Express, I did make a chart. I think I may need to make another one for Discover. I also like the idea of paper chains.
Hi Lucy, I am new to your blog and find it very inspiring. My Husband & I are also working our way out of debt, with turning 60 staring me in the face next month. I highly recommend a book by Michael Hyatt I just finished, “5 days to your best year ever”. In it he says “When you set a goal, measure the gain not the gap. It can be daunting to look up and see how far you still have to go. That’s the gap. Instead, look at the gain .See how far you’ve already come, and let your progress inspire your perseverance.” This has really helped me to stay motivated!
I am always happy to have a new reader. Thank you for your kind words. I hope my future posts can be more inspiring than one! I am making a note to myself to check out that book. It sounds exactly like something I need right now. This journey isn’t an easy one, but I know we can do it…and that includes EVERYONE reading the blog!
Just wanted to encourage you to hang in there. You are doing great. I remember times when I got frustrated because things seemed to be happening much slower than I would have liked. I would take a short break from checking on things every day. I also did what Marybeth talked about above. We had a chart with $100 squares. The chart is still living on my fridge as a reminder of the accomplishment. Seeing it every day would remind me of the progress and it also served as a prayer prompt. Prompting prayers of help and prayers of thanksgiving. Even now I thank God for all his help and faithfulness on the journey. You are making great progress. Don’t feel discouraged, it does take time. Just try to focus on your progress, like Barb said. That helped me a lot. Thanks for sharing your journey.
Thank you for these words, Maisie. I will make a chart of some type as I think that would encourage me. I am also a believer in Christ and know I need to lean on Him in all things. He knows my struggles, and I am ever so thankful for how far we have come.
YES! I relate to all of this. I was in a debt funk recently, but I think I’ve found my way out of it. Like you said, it happens sometimes. We’re trying to concentrate on the wins: not accruing more debt despite medical expenses, putting more into savings, and watching our retirement funds increase ever so slowly. 🙂
The 76K Project recently posted…May 2018 Budget: Ramping Up Our Emergency Savings
I do think focusing on the positive is helpful. This journey is a tough one, but I know it is also one that we will see to the end!
I can completely relate. There are times of the month that I feel a little bit of a slump, where I am waiting for payments to be made. I too want to see the progress done. I think of my situation and how far I have come since last year. My consumer debt is HUGE! And yet I am beating it down. For me it is listening to Dave Ramsey, and just being intentional. Right now, I am re-watching FPU to re-energize me. You’ve got this.
Rhitter recently posted…On Discussion of Final Payments for Truck and Trailer
Interesting that you mention the wait for payments to be made. This is yet another struggle of mine. I am impatient! So many good suggestions have been made. We can do this, Rhitter!
I felt like that pretty frequently when I was paying off my debt. Patience is not a virtue of mine! I would make lists, scribble numbers and try to cut the budget just to make an extra payment. All of the overthinking and obsessing just wore me out. Sometimes I get that way about my retirement numbers now. Before you know it all the debt will be paid off and you will look back and wonder why you ever worried.
I also lack the patience virtue! I am also one of those who overthinks and obsesses about the numbers. Ugh, the struggle is real!