After my last discouraging post, I thought it would be good to share some better news. We are once again back on track with paying off our debt. Hubs check hit our checking account today, and I took care of a few bills. I made the mortgage payment for February, and also went ahead and paid our escrow shortage of $798. By paying it online, it saved me a stamp and a personal check. Before doing so, I called our lender to make sure the funds would be appropriately applied. While their site has line items for things like additional principle, additional escrow, etc., we had a bad experience with our previous lender not getting things right, so I just wanted to be sure.
Our Citi credit card was the other bill I paid down. Earlier this week I had sent them $100, and today I had another $200 go towards the debt. The balance is now $3,300. We’ve had no change to our Visa. The current balance on that card is now $8,264.48. Still a sickening amount of debt, but far better than what we started with.
Our savings also received another small boost of $100. While I don’t want to derail our debt payoff, I do feel better knowing we are putting a little extra aside. Current savings balance is now $2,283.83. I feel rich. Baha!
I finally got around to submitting a claim of $53.20 to our FSA for two prescriptions I paid for out-of-pocket earlier this month. After a glitch on their end, our FSA account is good to go again, so I shouldn’t need to do this in the future. Since the money has already been spent and accounted for, I’ll likely go ahead and use the check for a snowball payment.
Speaking of prescriptions, I transferred one Hubs had filled for his blood pressure when he was out of state last August. The doctor had written it with a refill, and our pharmacy gives a $25 coupon to use for in-store purchases for any new or transferred prescription. The coupon comes in addition to their “$10 in-store coupon for every five prescriptions filled,” and as a third bonus when filling a script, they give you an initial $10 coupon for the next refill-even when there are no other refills! The med itself was only $1.39, paid out of our FSA. True, I’d prefer for neither of us to need meds, but since we do, we may as well take advantage of some pharmacy perks.
Sales on for my FBA business (fulfillment by Amazon) have been painfully slow the past week. From what I’ve read on several forums, I’m not the only one experiencing a major slowdown. The consensus seems to be a combination of the usual January decrease, the current government shutdown, and the upcoming tax season. If Amazon is seeing a slowdown, brick and mortar stores are likely feeling it too. For resellers, this could equate to us being able to purchase heavily discounted inventory as stores like to keep things moving.
Out of curiosity, are any of you affected by the current government shutdown? While I’m in complete agreement that we do need border security, I feel for those who are being financially hurt in the process. Our daughter and son-in-law fall into this category. Thankfully, at least so far, they are still okay. In trying to see the positive, the situation should also serve as an excellent reminder of why it is never good for anyone to live paycheck to paycheck…no matter who you work for!
Way to stay on top of hubby’s Rx coupons!
We are not affected by the govn’t shut down. Neither of us are employed by the Federal government, and we haven’t had to fly or go to a national park or anything like that.
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…The Rewrite
Sometimes it’s the little things! Glad you aren’t hurt by the shutdown.
Not affected by the gov’t shutdown here, but I have noticed the last few times I’ve logged into my bank online, it starts out with a big note on the main screen about short term loans they are offering to gov’t workers who may be affected.
I’ve been seeing a lot of those notices, too. Can’t help but feel bad for those working without pay right now.
Not affecting us and the only friend that is would affect isn’t affecting them at all because her husband retired from the government and now works for them again while still getting his pension so pensions is still coming even if paychecks aren’t. Would be nice if everyone could work together to try to get this settled!!!!!
That’s good. I agree. Time to get this settled for the sake of everyone!
Man was that a garbled mess….can’t believe you understood that 🙂
All good Sue! Compared to the way some doctors (and nurses) would write, I understood what you meant! Lol
I’m not impacted by the shutdown. It’s just getting really annoying to continually read about it and the blame game. I would rather read about stories of real people that this is affecting.
I agree. Hopefully, the two sides can come to some sort of agreement.
I’m not impacted by the shutdown, but I believe if it continues we will all be affected in some way since 800,000 families not receiving paychecks will eventually have repercussions.
I agree. Things like this scare people, and rightfully so. I pray it comes to an end soon.
I’m not personally affected by the shutdown, but several friends and acquaintances have been. Locally, it’s REALLY hard for people because it’s such a HCOL area… If you do not have significant money in savings, a situation like this could kill your finances. I have no idea what the best solution is but at this point the government needs to get it together and figure it out. So many people are hurting.
The $76K Project recently posted…21 Months Later, My Student Loan Is GONE
Glad you aren’t personally affected. Such a bad situation, all the way around. Praying the standoff comes to an end quickly.