It was a busy week. Well, at least for me it was! I managed to work four days in the office (cha-ching!) and (cha-ching) today did a five-hour shift taking care of the preemie. Being in debt, I never turn down the hours that become available. I’ve already been asked to cover two full days next week with the preemie. Good thing as things will be slower in the office.
I renewed my nursing license. In addition to the fees, there are required continuing education hours, which are of course on my dime. I was shocked to see that the cost for licensure had more than doubled from my last renewal. I did my best to take it all in stride by reminding myself that the next time I renew it will be financially easier as our consumer debt will be behind us.
I finally mailed our taxes to our CPA. I meant to have this accomplished two weeks ago. We should know within a week where we stand.
Our escrow check finally arrived in today’s mail. Our refund was $1977. Woohoo! Hubs and I have already planned to put part of it into savings and (hopefully) a large part to the debt we are snowballing. I’ll wait until we know about our taxes to schedule that payment.
Our mortgage (the refi) has already been sold. No biggie as I had expected this and also know this isn’t uncommon. Just a new name and address for servicing the loan. Until I know how they apply the overage I always add, I’ll keep be sending a check with a sticky note that it goes to principle only. I like to round up, and every little bit helps. I still pinch myself that we managed to drop our interest rate to 3.25% (from 4.5%) and go to a 15 year! I cannot wait until our mortgage is the debt we are snowballing. It will happen, all in good time.
This past week I’ve also been navigating the financial and medical waters of my father who is in his 90s. I am the medical POA, and my brother is financial POA. Our father currently still lives independently but is exhibiting the need for help. I had him assessed by a social worker and have been in contact with his doctor. The results of the evaluation were sad but came as no great surprise. I am ever so thankful my father had the forethought to have his financial and medical ducks in a row. In spite of this, there will be challenges as my father is in denial that he has reached this point in life. Unfortunately, this is not at all uncommon. Can’t blame someone for this. I don’t think I’d want my independence taken away either.
Today I saved 30 cents/gallon on my gas purchase. Ah, the little things in life that make you smile!
How has your week gone? Hopefully, it was a week full of financial wins! If not, don’t give up! Getting out of debt is worth fighting for!
Yes, you did have a busy week! We had a big wind storm and lost our phone and Internet access for 24 hours. Can’t say that was a BAD thing because I got a lot of reading and cleaning done!
I heard different areas of the country were getting hit hard with windstorms. Never fun losing phone or internet, but it is always amazing how much more gets accomplished!
Renewing my teaching certificate was pricey. And, four master level English courses at university rates which are so high. At 71 now, I dread the day my independence is threatened!
Practical Parsimony recently posted…I Will Not Call You Again
One way or another, the state gets their money. Since I am still using my license, right now it is a necessary thing. I hope you can keep your independence for a very long time!
So sorry about your dad – it is hard when the roles are reversed!! You are really getting in a lot of extra hours to beat down that debt – GO!!!!
Thank you, Sue. It is tough needing to change roles but I am thankful for how many good years of health he has been blessed with.
So many wins! We are in a financial holding pattern right now. Moving is so expensive and I feel like it takes a couple of months to recalibrate. We’re still doing that. Need to wait for the next paycheck to make another credit card payment!
The 76K Project recently posted…Staying Motivated When You’ve Got a $%&@load of Debt
I so hate financial holding patterns, but understandable with your recent move. Hope you get back on track quickly! Exciting paying down these debts isn’t it?!