As of tomorrow, the Visa will be below $6,000. Due to my confusion as to when the chimney sweeper will be here (next month, not today like I thought), I did indeed have $500 to throw at the debt. This payment will bring the balance down to $5,923.39. As for paying the chimney sweeper, I have roughly a month to figure that one out. Hubs will have two checks before then, so I’m not too concerned. And, of course, I also have money coming in each week from caring for the kiddo.
We got our $450 wood delivery today. It is very green, so highly unlikely that we will be able to burn it this coming season. The guy that delivered the wood said they are busier than ever, mostly out of concerns of a major pipeline potentially shutting down. I guess people feel they better stockpile wood in case they can’t get or afford propane. About 5 or 6 years ago, there was a shortage, causing propane to skyrocket in price. Customers were paying $5-$8 per gallon, and companies weren’t honoring contracted rates. It was a mess. We felt an impact where we were living at the time, but nothing compared to what people went through here. Thankfully, even if we relied solely on our furnace, we’d still be okay. Sure gives me peace of mind.
I did go to town today, although it wasn’t tagging along as I had planned. I ended up driving. When my neighbor got to my house, she said something to the effect of “Oh, I’ll just let you drive.” Ugh. I was only going on account of her doing the driving. Otherwise, I would have combined my trip with going to work, thus saving on gas. I didn’t say anything. She is 10+ years older, and I know she doesn’t enjoy driving. Not the first time this has happened. You’d think I’d learn. Lol Oh well, she is a good neighbor and friend. I also know she doesn’t do this to take advantage. She and her husband would also help me out in a heartbeat if I ever needed anything.
While we were in town, we stopped at Lowes. I bought a spool of string and some rebar. I got it strung across the front of our shoreline, so now I wait. Fingers crossed it keeps the geese from coming up on our lawn.
I got a text to start work an hour later tomorrow. Since the family had me cover a few extra hours last week, this doesn’t totally surprise me. I know their childcare costs are horrendous, so they do try to watch how many hours they use and make adjustments when needed. I’ll use that extra hour at home and see if I can qualify for some additional M-Turk HITS. Whatever I earn this week from that platform, I plan on sending to the Visa. No matter how small the payment, it is all the less we owe.
What do your surrounding neighbors do about the geese issue? I’m glad we don’t have that on a river, LOL. That’s smart of those people to stock up on firewood. The potential cost of propane is another reason our hvac guy recommended we go with electric furnace. The rates are cheap and would be even more of a savings if propane skyrocketed, as I guess sometimes it does.
I’m not entirely sure, but last year we did notice that one of our neighbors had a string across their frontage. Our lake is fairly large (4300 acres) and most homes including ours have woods between properties. My hope is that the geese go find another lawn to call home. Lol
Your HVAC guy made a good suggestion to avoid propane as it really can fluctuate a lot in price. Our saving grace is having a woodstove. I’m sure we’d go through a lot more propane if not for the supplemental heat source.
Look at how low that balance is getting! You are doing great.
Thanks! I am super excited to see our progress!