Two very special Christmases.
On this Christmas morning, I can’t help but to take a moment and reflect on two very special Christmases.
For Hubs and I, the first one is by far the most important as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. The holiday isn’t really about the presents, the lights, the tree or even Santa. It is about an incredible gift given to all those who believe and accept Jesus into their heart. Nothing under the tree can compare to the incredible gift of God’s Son to us.
Another Christmas that stands out in my memory was just a year ago. It was the year of only one thing under the tree…a used set of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University on CD. You see, Hubs and I had had a very tough year, and with very little money, we had agreed not to exchange gifts. Right or wrong, I decided we should have something under the tree. That $20 gift has turned out to be such a blessing. It put us on a journey to draw the final line in the sand and do something about our financial situation. With Hubs now fully onboard, I decided to start this blog…albeit it was at first under a different name. Christmas 2016, also a birth of sorts!
This Christmas I encourage you to reflect on what the season truly means to you. Make it a day to remember! Merry Christmas everyone!
I didn’t realize you’ve only been blogging a year. You’re so good at it! Have a blessed Christmas!
You are way too kind! Merry Christmas!
What was the name originally? Some gifts are better than others!
Practical Parsimony recently posted…Merry Christmas!
Originally it was “The Line has been Drawn.” Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!! It’s been very enjoyable reading your blog this past year 🙂
OneFamily recently posted…The Christmas days
Thank you! I am enjoying your blog, too!
What a wonderful post. Love it. Happy anniversary!
Thank you, Patti!