More hours with the preemie.
After not hearing from the mom of the preemie, I thought perhaps she had changed her mind. Having worked as a nurse for some 25+ years, I’ve seen the struggle a parent faces making this decision. While deep down they know they need the respite, they worry about leaving their child in someone else’s care. My last home care case was a child on a ventilator. I cared for this kiddo for over seven years. After I moved away, it took the family two years to find a replacement they felt comfortable with. Needless to say, trust issues are often huge with these families.
Anyhow, the mom of the preemie called me again last night asking if I could cover a few hours today and tomorrow. She apologized for the lack of communication and also said she was trying to figure out what would work best for her. No problem. This job is extra snowball money for our debt, so I’ll take whatever hours work with her schedule and mine. Money aside, I must say that I enjoy caring for the baby. Even though not a high level of skill is involved, I liked being back in a nursing position. While I still have no desire to return to nursing full-time, a job like this feels doable.
Nothing much else going on around here. I’m off to earn some money, first at my office job and then with the preemie.
From what your readers can glean of your personality by reading your blog, it sounds like you’d make the perfect premie caregiver. And yay for the snowball money!
Aw. So kind of you!
That is wonderful. I am so happy that you are still able to enjoy the nursing aspect and get a little extra for it.
Rhitter recently posted…On POETS Day – 02/09/2018
Thank you!
Your job encourages others to provide help and care to all! Have you always like being in the nursing field?
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