How’d we do?
We did great, that’s how we did! Another $1,328.76 of debt is now gone forever! Since starting our journey on January 1st (just five short months ago!), we have now paid off a total of $6,980.21. Had I realized how close we were to reaching the $7K mark, I would have squeezed out another $20 to add to our number. Needless to say, I am thrilled to see this progress!
For June I am hoping to see another $1,500 gone. Things are picking up with my seasonal job, and I am also trying to put in more hours at my (very) part time job. We have several things to cash flow, but as I’ve said before, this is the way life goes. Had we not started this journey, I can say with almost 100% certainty, that we would have been adding these irregular expenses to our debt. Cash flowing things that come up is progress in and of itself!
How was YOUR progress for May? Remember, this isn’t a competition. We all have different circumstances, different incomes, different obligations, etc. Sharing our progress is about cheering one another on to keep fighting! We can do this!
WOW! Way to go! I am very impressed. We are still in the save everything until the house is finished mode. It bothers me because I like to be on a budget, but that is the nature of it right now. I cannot wait to knock it out of the park when we get settled though!
Thank you! I really enjoy reading about your house progress. For so many years, our dream was to build our dream home. We only changed our dream because we found our dream location, which already had a house built on it.
You are kicking butt! Congrats!
OneFamily recently posted…A nice visit and other stuff
Thank you! With every dime we pay down, I get more and more motivated to keep fighting. Debt freedom is still a long ways off, but we sure are making some fabulous progress!
What an inspiration! I met all my goals for May for the first time in forever, including the no food buying from 5/5-5/29…on yo June!
Fantastic, Patti! Keep going. Can’t wait to see how we all do in June!
Just shy of $7K paid off in 5 months(with no backsliding too!)is great!!! Just think about how it will feel at the end of 2017 when you look back and see how far you’ve come. That should help you keep the motivation. 😎
Sluggy recently posted…2017 Savings Challenge….May Update
Nope, no backsliding! April was a tough month, but yet, we still made progress. Can’t wait to see where we are at the end of the year. I see some HUGE numbers in our future! Thanks for cheering me along!
Lucy’, you guys did great congratulations!
Thanks, Chris!
You are doing so well! Congratulations!
Thank you!
You are doing so well!! Congratulations!
Thank you!
Major credit earned! Nice job.
I have paid approx $3,400 towards my Auto Loan. Updated my spreadsheet last night to make sure I am on track to PIF in Nov. Just wish I could make it go quicker. But at least its on schedule.
That is terrific! I love hearing how others are also winning their war against debt! Thanks for sharing.
I recently found your blog and am enjoying following your journey! It’s inspiring! I am in my (very) late 30’s and am also on a mission to be debt free! It is a marathon and not a sprint! Good luck!
Happy to have you follow along! Keep us posted with your journey, too. Wishing you much success and hanks for your comment.