Getting an extra key made has been on the list for the 3+ years we’ve owned this car. The need became an urgent one on Friday when I lost the only set we had. Leave it to me to do something dumb when we can least afford it. It happens — no sense in beating myself up. I’m not the only one who has ever lost something important.
On Thursday were hit with another whopper of a storm. I had cleared the driveway that day, and with all the blowing, I needed to snow blow it again on Friday. After doing so, I figured I should put the car back in the garage. I had it parked up near the road as I was concerned about not being able to get out should I have trouble with the snowblower. Yes, this has happened more than once.
I came inside, grabbed the keys, grabbed a broom from the garage to clear the snow off the car, and then walked to where it was parked. I looked down and realized the keys were not in my hand. Checked my pockets – nope, not there either. Figured I had dropped them. I walked up and down that driveway more times than I can count. No keys to be found.
A call to the dealership indicated they had a blank key in stock, but I would need to have the car towed. Thankfully, we have AAA with a higher towing limit, so no out of pocket cost for that. More of an inconvenience as it was midnight before they came. I made it very clear that I would not walk out to the car after dark as it was too far from the house, plus very dark going through the woods! Also, too many wild critters (wolves in particular) that caused me concern. It was close to six hours (plus numerous calls) before they came — life in a rural area.
A neighbor was kind enough to give me a ride to town. Work was super understanding as was the Hubs. We are $170 poorer, but at least we have a key to the car. The dealership only had one key in stock, or I’d have had them make us two. I’m hoping that I find them when the snow melts in the Spring if it ever comes. The keys are out there somewhere! And as for our weather, we have another 9-12 inches of the white stuff headed our way tomorrow. Let’s just say it has been a hard winter in more ways than one.
oh no! knock on wood, but car keys are not something we have ever lost before. We did recently get 3 copies of keys made for our shop door, while we were at Lowe’s. At least we can’t lock ourselves out now. That wouldn’t be a good thing to happen when it’s 6 degrees out!
Up until now, I’ve never lost a set either. First time for everything, I guess. Lesson learned. Always best to have extra keys. But goodness, these programmed keys are expensive! On the comical side, I had to give them a copy of my drivers license and sign paperwork stating it was my car. Um, if I was going to steal a car, it would be one far newer and nicer than this one.
It is always SOMETHING……can’t Murphy just take a vacation for awhile??? So glad you were able to get everything straightened out – I probably would have dropped down into the snow and thrown a temper tantrum 🙂
Murphy needs to go somewhere else. I’ve had more than my fair share. No temper tantrum, but I felt very close to having a small breakdown. Enough is enough!
Another foot of snow coming? You aren’t going to find those keys for quite a while! Oh, that Murphy!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…I Bird Boxed My Imagination
Trust me, we are all sick and tired of this weather. I’m starting to question why we moved here. Sigh.
Get a key locator on that thing ASAP. They are like $20 bucks online. You know the saying, when it rains it pours. In your case it snows. I hope Murphy stops bothering you.
That is a great idea! I popped over to Amazon and am looking at the reviews. Any suggestions? I’m seriously tempted to buy two different kinds! Lol
Check out Tile. My daughter has one on her keys and she swears by it. I got tired of her asking where her keys were and got her one at Christmas 2017. Best gift ever!
Thanks for the suggestion! It looks to have very good reviews!
So glad I do not have programmed keys! I have a 2007 Toyota Corolla that came with 3 good old-fashioned keys. I still have them all. (I also have hand-wind windows. Lol)
I bet you will find your keys in the spring. Frustrating, I’m sure.
Trust me, I’d prefer the old-fashioned kind. This car is a 2009. Not sure when they switched to these keys, but I wish they hadn’t!